  K.D. Lang Living in Portland?
Is it True?It is no secret that Portland is known for having some celeb guests. Rumor has it that K.D Lang has recently called PDX her home. That’s right, K.D. may just be living right around the corner from you! According to an inside source of Byron Beck, a popular gossip blog, Ms. Lang is now an Oregonian.
What better place for a vegan, lesbian musician to live? So keep an eye out fellow homos, because you know if she is here, you are bound to see her popping in places like The Bye and Bye and Portobello. To the younger generation, she might just blend into the crowd of typical Pacific North West lesbians. She ain’t no hipster!
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 A future where celebrities won’t make headlines just for acknowledging their sexuality may not be far off, but for now we still love to gossip, surmise, and celebrate when a famous person finally comes out of the closet. […]
  Gaga at Jo Calderone at the 2011 MTV Video Music Awards
This Sunday Lady Gaga took to full drag character Jo Calderone for the MTV Video Music Awards. She won “Best Female Performer” dressed as a man and queered the VMAs further by staying in character for questions.
Most of what I’ve seen on Facebook so far has been pretty positive, except for comment condemning the smoking and drinking. Here are some samples:
“…the most conservative she’s ever looked…”
“I like that she’s in drag but she’s not doing some really gross misogynist thing to a female dancer…”
“…it didn’t piss me off, points for Gaga!…I was worried she would do that ‘don’t worry I’m still a hot girl underneath it all’ switch at the end, but she didn’t, she held to it, and nailed the body language…”
“Anyone who can be so creepy that they make Britney Spears feel uncomfortable… you have to love them…”
“The crowd reactions are so varied! Beiber at 4:33 is a personal favorite.”
What to you think? You can watch the whole video beneath the break.
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  Patty Schemel
I won’t say that I’m always particularly verbally eloquent but I was a little aghast at my rambling questions posed to Hole drummer and subject of QDoc Friday night film Hit So Hard Patty Schemel. I wasn’t necessarily nervous, but I can’t deny that Hole’s 1994 album Live Through This was second only to Team Dresch as the most played tape on my Freshman year walkman. And despite any verbosity on my part it was great to hear Schemel’s take on the documentary, and I’ve included the uncut audio below, in addition to the written interview. For a brush up on the film you can read the earlier post reviewing Hit So Hard.
qPDX: How was it coming out publicly as a musician in the 90s? Any contrast to being out personally?
Patty: I didn’t have any concerns about it. I was out with my peers and in my band. In my band it was a safe place to do that.
q: Any public backlash?
P: None that I knew about. It was a good experience. I got a lot of kids that would say thanks for coming out.
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  Ricky Martin is gay?!
Celebrities, as powerful and rich as they are, still tend to remain in the closet. Here are the top 5 folks this year that had the courage to publicly declare their homo-love.
5 – Amber Heard
Actress from The Stepfather, The Joneses, Pineapple Express, spoke openly with AfterEllen.com about being a lesbian pioneer in Hollywood, during the GLAAD media awards.
4 – Chely Wright
There was a lot of hype leading up to this announcement which was largely met by a big “who?” when the information was finally released. We were all expecting someone really famous to come out, but Chely Wright is a country singer who has quite the following in the South. Oh yeah, and that Christian singer Jennifer Knapp came out too.
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  Poor little Lilo
You still have a few more days to wait until I unveil my 2010 best ofs (I’m really trying to sell it can’t you tell?). But the Portland Mercury’s multi-author celebrity gossip and giggle fest One Day at a Time has used the year end opportunity to recount every headline that the bisexual Lindsay Lohan made.
It’s actually quite a bit. Below are some of my favorites:
SATURDAY, JANUARY 9 Lindsay Lohan is making good on her New Year’s resolution to turn over a new leaf! Last week LiLo twatted, “2010 is about moving forward, not backwards. Leaving the bad (people, habbits, and negative energy behind) time to make changes-right!?!? :).” MEANWHILE… This evening Lindsay Lohan hit a photographer with her car. “I want to press charges,” the angry paparazzo told TMZ.com. “She’s going to jail.” Insert frowny emoticon here.
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  Mikey takes part in the "gun show" at Dingos
The Real L Word just presented its finale with a Portland appearance by co-star Mikey Koffman the recent weekend of the 15th and I’m all kinds of ambivalent and intrigued.
Firstly, many Portlanders may not have tuned into the show at all, seeing as Los Angeles seems so different from us, even if we do share a sexuality. Autostraddle gives a really good critique of the show’s shortcomings while at the same time giving some background and advice for ways to grow.
And then there’s Mikey herself. I have not had the chance to meet her, as the interview below was via email, but there are two very distinct impressions as far as I can. First is the egotistical shade-wearing alpha-bitch as presented by one unhappy E-Room attendee on Mikey’s Official Fan Page that has since been deleted. And then there’s the gregarious and down-to-earth woman that comes across in this ShewWired interview from early in the season.
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  Little Alley Hector circa 1996. This is from the original Chainsaw Chat page!
This week I made an appearance on Michael Scott‘s OURview on OUTview online radio program. We talk about Constance McMillen, Huckabee‘s Rant, a possible lesbian on the Supreme court and the new singledom of Melissa Etheridge.
But what I think is especially funny? While you listen to the audio the picture of me that you see scrolling past is actually from 1996. I was 15. Truthfully, I don’t look terribly different, but it was a shocker to see that picture again.
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Oh I do love love a girl that doesn’t take herself too seriously. And really who hasn’t dated a few redheads who have been in a car chase or 2 and had a restraining order? I think I’ve dealt with enough crazy…maybe I should call her for a date?
Lindsay Lohan’s eHarmony Profile from Lindsay […]
Nothing new to us lesbos, nor should it be new to the Hollywood set, but breakups and drama happen. So it is really gossip-worth that Linsday Lohan and Samantha Ronson may be splitsville? Well, I guess that’s what gossip is.
However, though tabloids from People to Queerty are claiming the young gay dynamic duo are done, lesbians also know that these breakups can go ’round and ’round for a long time no matter how crazy the girl is or how many time’s Sam’s family urges her not to return.
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