 Heather after the attack
It’s been pretty quiet around this issue in the last few days until we know what exactly will happen next and who is doing what. As far as I know, some people very involved in the community are considering a town hall style meeting, and BlowPony folks such as Airick, Jose and Heather (who got her nose broken after Blow Po) are going to the Portland Police SMRT (sexual minorities round table) with the police next month. I will most more info on the time, date etc as it becomes available. Audrey, who was the victim of transphobic and sexist harassment and told by the police that she didn’t need to file a report, has successfully filed a report against her attacker and the issue is being dealt with (we hope) by the police/courts/authorities.
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 Stop hate and violence in and towards our community
Pride is over, our hangovers have subsided, the messes have mostly been cleaned up – but what remains is the foul aftertaste of violence, harassment and threats towards individuals in our community. This is new – what is going on, queer Portland?
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 Dyke March 2007
If you have successfully made it through both Thursday and Friday then congratulations! You are now ready for Pride’s biggest night, and the reason Sunday’s parade always kicks off just a little late.
Dyke March
The night starts early with the traditional Dyke March beginning in the North Park blocks at 6pm with a march step-off at 7. A veritable meet and greet of all your exes (if you’re part of the dyke/trans community) it is most certainly the see and be scene pre-function of the night.
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Just a quick update for those of you attending the SOLD OUT Blow Pony Cruise Saturday night from 8-10pm. But even if you can’t make it out to sea, all you land-lubbers can still blow it up at the Pony’s usual digs at the Eagle Underground (610 NW Couch) starting at 8pm also.
Boat leaves promptly at 8pm (and just in case I’d make that the real 8pm and […]
And it’s time for a little half time recap. (well, technically a 2/3rds time recap, but who cares, right?) It’s been a busy few days indeed!
 Kick / Ball / Change @ The Someday Lounge
Thursday saw me hit RedCap for a little update on RuPaul’s drag race, which I have been checking in with since my first review, which you can find here. The Portland edition doesn’t have eliminations, so all the girls were still in the race-and had the task of choreographing a dance number to RuPaul’s own “Supermodel” (yes that super gay dance number from the early 90’s). Overall, both teams did well, but Team Alexis sadly took a wrong turn on the costume front, picking lavender onesies that were not flattering at all. Also, their choreo was messy. I had expected more from Alexis. Team Kelly stole the Lipsynch For Your Life trophy with excellent dresses, makeup, and teamwork. Their choreo was sometimes a little flat, but overall well done. Sable Scities is most definitely the strongest dancer in the group, and stands a strong chance of walking away with the prize of being the Northwest’ Fiercest Drag Queen if she can keep up the pace. A great show, with the usual witty banter between Poison Waters and Byron Beck. Sadly, Isiah from Burlesquire should stick to what he does best (and he really does do it very well) – Dancing. Being a commentator or a judge is not your strong point, Isiah.
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