  Feminist Agenda PDX Launches Party Jan. 26
Calling all Feminists! The Girls from In Other Words, Katie Carter and Amber Rowland have officially launched “Feminist Agenda PDX” and want to celebrate. They are hosting a FREE all-age, family friendly event at Mercy Corps., January 26th.There will be short films on media literacy by the Reel Grrls (all girl camp in Seattle) and a screening of Miss Representation. There will be an after party celebration for those of you over 21 at the Beauty Bar; drink specials included.
The two started Feminist Agenda PDX in hopes of bringing the Portland Feminist community together as well as promoting the work of different feminist, queer and radical organizations. Beside the website-which includes a directory of over 30 groups and organizations, the Feminist Agenda PDX has a monthly newsletter to help promote different future events and volunteer opportunities. You can also follow them on Twitter and Facebook. I had the chance to interview Katie and Amber about Feminist Agenda PDX.
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 Q-Center's Winter Gala Feb. 18th, 2012
Earlier this week, Q-Center announced the 4th annual Winter Gala. The Gala will be happening February 18th at the Y.U. Contemporary Art Center.This event is to celebrate our community and also serves as the main fundraiser for the Q-Center. We can expect to see some awesome live entertainment.
Hal Gerard, the Ohio native and singer/songwriter will be gracing the stage with his guitar skills. Bob Mould, who was recently on Conan with the Foo Fighters, will also be playing. Aaron Altermose will also be showing his amazing talent on the piano. Don’t forget the gal power with Lisa Mann, who won the 2009 Cascade Blues Association Muddy Water’s award for best voice, and Amaya Villazan who is an artist known for her debut in “Clean House”.
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 Femme2012: Pulling the Pieces Together is a multi-threaded conference and forum for those who think about, talk about, and create Femme as a queer gender and identity.
Following our Femme2006, 2008, and 2010 conferences in San Francisco, Chicago, and Oakland, where hundreds of femmes and allies gathered for workshops, panels, films, visual art galleries, and performances, we again invite femmes of all kinds and their allies to continue the conversation by participating in Femme 2012 as presenters and participants.We are invested in having Femme2012 continue to reflect the diversity and complexity of femme gender, identity, and contributions. We hope for this conference to be a community-building event, as well as an exploration and celebration of what it means to build and live queer femme identities.
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  LIPDX Team
A new soon-to-be-addictive tumblr blog, Lesbians in PDX, is launching this Wednesday, January 18. LIPDX, as it’s called, is run by Portlanders Alex, Rachael, and Ashley, who have brought the fun of the already popular Lesbians in San Francisco up north to our lovely queer city. To get a glimpse at what’s to come, check out lesbiansinsf.tumblr.com, and just imagine how great it will be when it’s our own community showcased.
I had a chance to speak with Alex from the LIPDX Team about the blog and its upcoming launch.
qPDX: What is lesbiansinPDX all about?
Alex: LesbiansinPDX will be a tumblr blog that showcases the real and diverse queer women of Portland. It works through community participation. Those who want to be on the blog contact us and we set up a photo shoot. All we ask is for 3 fun facts. It is a great way for the community to get to know one another. It’s a fun way to show the world what lovely queer ladies there are in the beautiful city of Portland.
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 These are the parts of qPDX.com that piqued the most interest and caused the most kerfuffle. […]
  Gay & Grey members at Pride
If you aren’t a grandparent, or don’t happen to have a gay one, then you might not be aware of Portland’s program for LGBT senior citizens. But yes, Portland has such a program (it has an LGBT group for everything, doesn’t it?), and some good things are happening there.
The program is cleverly named Gay & Grey and is run by the nonprofit Friendly House. Friendly House Executive Director Vaune Albanese anounced that Gay & Grey is now a part of a national nonprofit that will help Portland’s program raise funds and expand its services. The national program is also cleverly named: SAGE, which stands for Services & Advocacy for LGBT Elders.
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SAGE & Friendly House Combine Efforts
Earlier this month, the Friendly House Director of Services, Mya Chamberlin, spoke at a D.C. summit regarding care for the elderly LGBTQ community. Recently, Friendly House announced that their Gay & Grey program is officially affiliated with SAGE– a service for our LGBTQ elders. SAGE is a national non-profit based out of New York and is the country’s largest organization representing […]
  Sam Adams with 'Portlandia' director Jonathan Krisel and Carrie Brownstein at last year's season 1 premiere
In another edition of gays thanking gays, all those gays at City Hall have helped created a video of Portland Mayor Sam Adams taking a moment to thank Portlandia for creating jobs and boosting tourism by mocking us. Don’t worry, this proves we’re in on the joke.
Directed by Paul Peterson
VFX by Chris Herrick
Animation by Paul & Chris
Written by Caryn Brooks
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  John Cameron Mitchell holds a copy of Just Out featuring him. Just one of many memorable JO covers over the years
In a sudden move today Just Out, Portland’s first LGBT publication, announced it will cease publication with the already released 12/9 issue. Despite that issue talking about new delivery methods in 2012 and not indicating an imminent shut down, JO has posted on their website as well as posting this more thorough statement on their Facebook page:
It is with great sadness that I have to announce today that Just Out newspaper, having put up a helluva fight against this dammed “Great Recession”, will be unable to continue publishing. Our 12/9 issue was/is our last publication. Thank you for being our “Friends” and for reading Just Out, these past 29 years.
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  World AIDS Day 12/1/ 2011
Thursday, December 1rst, marks the 23rd annual World AIDS Day. This year will be the 30th anniversary of the first documented case of AIDS. World AIDS Day recognizes the 25 million people whom lost their lives due to the HIV and AIDS virus. Currently, there are about 33 million individuals living with the HIV virus. A recent landmark study showed that healthy people on antiretrovirals, can limit the transmission of the virus by 96%.
President Obama along with George W. Bush will be speaking at an event hosted by the ONE campaign, for a program called “The Beginning of the End of AIDS.” The LIVE broadcast (10am EST-Thursday) will also include a panel discussion with Bill Clinton, Alicia Keys, Bono and more. On a more local scale, The Equality Foundation and Pride Foundation are partnering up to support the Planned Parenthood of Southwest Oregon (PPSO) initiative- this will provide free HIV testing for low income LGBTQ youth. These tests will be administered by PPSO staff at the following health centers: Florence and Cottage Grove (Lane Co.), Ashland and Medford (Jackson Co.), and Grants Pass in Josephine county.
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