  Boy Funk makes his Portland debut at Blow Pony
Note: The previously listed SistaFist/Magic Mouth show was listed incorrectly as this Thursday. It’s actually next Thursday, which we didn’t find out until this week. qPDX regrets the error.
Feminist Agenda launch party – Feminist Agenda has quietly been creeping onto the scene for about 3 or 4 months now but they’ve finally decided this is the time for their coming out party. A site dedicated to being a directory and resource of feminist activism and organization, FA is helmed by former In Other Words staffers Katie Carter and Amber Rowland. You can read an interview with the dynamic duo from earlier in the week, and stay tuned to hear them on next week’s podcast.
“Ethical Sluthood” a Q&A with Janet Hardy – Portland (well Eugene in this case) queers are more used to polyamory than most but that doesn’t mean we don’t have a lot to learn. Whether people have been calling Gingrich’s indiscretions an open marriage or polyamory you’d be wrong. That was just plain cheating. So how do we know we’re being fair in a non-monogamous relationship? Some of it is common sense, a lot of it is communication, but many of the “rules” are unfamiliar territory. Dossie Easton and Janet Hardy’s Ethical Slut, has been the go-to guide for polyamory with a conscience since its release in 1997. Now you can actually ask questions about the finer points and maybe even some “what ifs” thanks to new sex toy store As You Like It.
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 Big business has been getting some press for their support of Washington’s newly introduced gay marriage bills, which are now expected to pass both the Senate and the House. Last Thursday six prominent companies, including Microsoft and Nike signed a letter of support for SB 6239 and HB 2516. Today Starbucks joined the growing list of corporations in support of Washington state marriage equality saying,
Starbucks is proud to join other leading Northwest employers in support of Washington State legislation recognizing marriage equality for same-sex couples…
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  DJ Stormy Roxx
Every week (or so…) we introduce you to a local LGBTQ party DJ and ask them about their experiences in the scene and feature an audio mix they’ve made. If you’re interested in being featured contact alley@qpdx.com.
DJ Stormy has been one of my favorites since the early days of Skervy and Booty, which really ushered me into alterna-queer Portland nightlife. He’s been playing this town for a long time and knows our changing community well. And I have seen a lot of the shifts along with him. A DJ with great energy and a wide array of friends to compliment his style behind the decks, Stormy Roxx continues to play all kinds of parties. This Saturday he plays the iconic, if controversial Blow Pony along with DJs Linoleum, Airick and others.
When & how did you start DJing?
I started DJing cuz i love music, & I just happen to love dancing too! My first attempt at DJing was during Junior year in high school. My buddy & I wanted to DJ one of the school dances. It ended up being kinda high tech in a way… we were playing from cassettes & videos, & I guess a few CDs, but I don’t remember there really being CDs much at that time. We had spent hours building DIY dance lights with a controller board & gathering music & videos. I think we rented a fog machine too. We were excited to bring the whole show! Not long after we started, we blew the speakers. That was that.
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  Sen. Mary Margaret Haugen secures the last vote needed
Earlier this month Governor of our close neighbor Christine Gregoire announced her support for marriage equality in Washington state.
The House already had enough necessary votes to pass a bill and, as of today, so does the Senate. Following a two hour legislative hearing in Olympia today Sen. Mary Margaret Haugen, D-Camano Island has said she will support the bill (6239). She is the 25th to add her support including 2 Republicans. Her decision was a difficult one, which she acknowledges in this statement released today:
“For several weeks now, I have heard from the people of my district. They’ve shared what’s in their hearts and minds.
“I have received many letters, emails, phone calls, very heartfelt, from both sides of the issue. I’ve also received a number of very negative comments from both sides.
“For some people, this is a simple issue. I envy them. It has not been simple or easy for me.
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 Outstanding Film – Wide Release
  Weekend took home a good bulk of the awards/nominations including Best Picture
Sometimes I get swept up in the excitement of award shows such as the Oscars, sometimes I find them a bore. But there is something fun about making lists of the things we love. And though the Academy Awards might make you roll your eyes, like when Brokeback Mountain lost out to the retch-inducing Crash in 2006, it’s much more fun to roll your eyes at an award show that’s predicated on LGBT content. It may be better, it may be worse, but I have a feeling the ceremony (or at least the after parties) are way more fun.
These winners were announced last Monday January 16th and the winners are listed below. Go ahead and check out how they compare to our own lists of Best Gay Film and Television of 2011.
The group’s Dorian Award winners this time include two big victories for the bold gay romance Weekend (for Film of the Year as well as LGBT Film of the Year). Meryl Streep earned Film Performance of the Year for her uncanny turn as former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher in the biopic The Iron Lady, while Michael Fassbender nabbed the We’re Wilde About You Rising Star of the Year honor for his daring performance as a sex addict in Shame. In the more unusual film categories, the comic drama 50/50, starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt as a young man diagnosed with cancer, was named Unsung Film of the Year, and The Muppets took Campy (Intentional or Not) Film of the Year.
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 This week 2 Girls, 1 Podcast records from the bar which makes us even more ridiculous in our commentary, like bringing up the lack of Grindr for women (“um, lesbians invented grinding”) and the already escalating gay gang war. […]
  Lavender Mirror
Lovers benefit show – I love the combination of live music and DJs to begin with but when it’s also a benefit for a community member without healthcare its a triple win. Not to mention the lineup is incredible. Lovers are probably the best Portland queer band at the moment, (their last album was our number 1 of 2010), and Anaturale is some damn good hip hop I haven’t seen around these parts in years. Brittle Bones the q folks behind the decks are also stellar. With such a diverse group how can you not check it out?
Peep Show hosted by Fannie Mae Darling – The outlandish drag persona of Fannie Mae manages to bridge that drag divide of monstrous and beautiful quite magically. So while it may be sad to lose Peep Show’s usual hosts Darling is the perfect PS insert. Apparently the theme this month is sex, but isn’t always with Fannie? (And with Peep Show for that matter?)
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 Femme2012: Pulling the Pieces Together is a multi-threaded conference and forum for those who think about, talk about, and create Femme as a queer gender and identity.
Following our Femme2006, 2008, and 2010 conferences in San Francisco, Chicago, and Oakland, where hundreds of femmes and allies gathered for workshops, panels, films, visual art galleries, and performances, we again invite femmes of all kinds and their allies to continue the conversation by participating in Femme 2012 as presenters and participants.We are invested in having Femme2012 continue to reflect the diversity and complexity of femme gender, identity, and contributions. We hope for this conference to be a community-building event, as well as an exploration and celebration of what it means to build and live queer femme identities.
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 Loud music from ladies is back. Well, it probably never left. For proof check out cell phone video of Little Volcano playing at the 2012 Big Ass Boombox Festival. Video shot by Marty from Slutty Hearts.