  Lionel and Marshall in an embrace in United States of Tara
The gays struggled with the boob tube this year in part because there actually are a fair amount of decent characters and story lines to choose from. So we are on that cusp of counting down the best gay shows vs. the best gay moments.
It’s also a year where we start to shift judging from “a good portrayal of LGBT life” to simply the “best TV” that just happens to contain gay elements, or are even primarily gay themed. This list has a combination.
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Q Center employee Mary Christmas is putting together a resource list for queer youth and wants community advice. The program, called We Are Here, is starting with a resource page for those under 24 and seeks input, referrals, and suggestions for fun and helpful things targeted toward young people.
Any local groups, programs, meetings, or fun things are needed but those listed below are especially sought out:
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  Jenkins (R) and Brown together. Scandalous.
Amidst a year of horrific gay teen suicides young queers have yet more to worry about. Yesterday Willamette Week published a heart wrenching story about 19 year old Antjuanece Brown‘s battle against felony charges of sex abuse, creating child pornography and luring a minor.
The crimes that prompted Washington County to press these charges came only from a few suggestive cell phone pictures between Brown and her 16-year-old girlfriend Jolene Jenkins.
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 Wondering what all the royal and lavendar tones are on your Facebook today? It’s in support of LGBTQ youth in the wake of recent suicides.
It’s been decided. On October 20th, 2010, we will wear purple in honor of the 6 gay boys who committed suicide in recent weeks/months due to homophobic abuse in their homes and at their schools. Purple represents Spirit on the LGBTQ flag and that’s exactly what we’d like all of you to have with you: spirit. Please know that times will get better and that you will meet people who will love you and respect you for who you are, no matter your sexuality. Please wear purple on October 20th. Tell your friends, family, co-workers, neighbors and schools. RIP Tyler Clementi, Asher Brown, Seth Walsh, Justin Aaberg, Raymond Chase and Billy Lucas. You are loved.
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 This past month, the LGBTQ Community has been shaken to its core with news that 5 young people have committed suicide, suicides that were direct results of sustained, unwarranted bullying and harassment because of their sexual orientation. The public outcry has been great–and admirable–and Q Center and SMYRC (Sexual Minority Youth Resource Center) will sustain this momentum, seizing the opportunity to take tangible action in the wake of these horrific, needless tragedies. As has been said, one suicide is a tragedy. Several is a crisis. The LGBTQ Community must work together–and quickly–to stem the tide.
Last spring, Q Center hosted a community forum that came on the heels of a spate of gay bashings in the Portland area. The community spoke, city officials and community activists listened, and Q Patrol emerged, an organization dedicated to not only patrolling our streets, making them safer, but to pooling the resources available to our community.
While Q Center proudly embraces the “It Gets Better” video series led by Dan Savage and we advocate for inspirational and supportive messages to young people by LGBTQ adults (and we applaud those in our community, like Mayor Sam Adams, among many others, who have already recorded their own videos), we fervently believe that as Oregon’s LGBTQ Community Center, we need to take this inspiration a step further. We want to come together as a community and listen to the stories and experiences of LGBTQ youth in our communities.
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  Ernesto Dominguez
qPDX would like to congratulate Portland Community College (PCC) student Ernesto Dominguez, who recently received the HRC Awards Scholarships to Student Activists Committed to Achieving LGBT Equality. Only 3 were awarded out of 400 applications from all 50 states in the categories of first year student, returning student 2-year institution, and returning student 4-year insitution. Dominguez won in the first year category.
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 Besides basking in the sun you might also wanna check out:
Dirty Queer – As if you didn’t have enough spring fever already goin’ on here’s some more words to get you riled up.
Bent – Low brow dancin’ in the dark and smoochin’ in the corner. Get it.
Alberta Art Hop – Not necessarily a gay event, the art hop will satisfy your summer desire for local food, entertainment, and shopping.
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 Phil Busse
In March, the Northwest Institute for Social Change is hosting a 10-week long program that will teach LGBTQ teens how to produce short, professional-quality films. They are looking for interested students.
Participating teens will attend media literacy and media production seminars, and then take those skills to the streets to produce a professional-quality short film that address stereotypes—whether that is a serious-minded documentary about a local civic leader or a funny narrative about a gay superhero. You can see some of these past projects and hear about teen experiences in NWISC blog.
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When I was a wee gay in the 90s I assumed every sizeable city had an all ages queer nightclub. Alas, as shady at the City Nightclub may have been I should have been more appreciative of its dark hallways and raucous drag shows.
Indeed an incarnation of this club still exists today. It has moved to a much cheerier and open (with windows!) location on SW Park Avenue and changed its name (after a series of missteps) to The Escape.
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A couple of really great events almost snuck by our radar! But we queers can roll with the punches so whether part of the younger crew or the “grown-ups” we’ve got lots for you to do tonight.
SMYRC hosts its annual Queer and Trans Youth prom tonight, Circus Smyrcus, at the (for now) SMYRC headquarters (2100 SE Belmont). The alcohol and tobacco free event for the Q set between the ages of 14 and 23, takes place tonight from 8 to midnight and will feature the music stylings of DJ Tara, free food and raffle prizes. And unlike your typical suburban high school you don’t need to buy overpriced, couple-centric tickets cuz this party is free.
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