  Would you like to buy my wares? Trade? Date? Get a ride?
Just in time for the weekend qPDX has introduced some new and exciting functionality…Classifieds and Personals! Sure, Craigslist is great and all but, aside from being plain and boring there’s plenty of disrespectful folks trolling around. Here, you know you’re talking directly to your community (troubling as that term may be) and that the platform is made “by us for us.”
For example, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve really wondered where to post my particular personal ad. Is it W4W? Well, what if I like transmen too…or even bio men? Posting an ad in the straight dominated W4M just doesn’t get the desired results.
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 DirtBag at The Know, Portland
Ok, so Thursday isn’t technically the weekend yet, except when it is! Last weekend the hottest weather we’ve had here in fair gayPortland, and plenty of us used this opportunity for suntan catchup, chillin’ at the beach. Here a little weekend review in case you missed some of it..!
Thursday saw the premiere of DirtBag! at The Know, which has moved from the Blue Parrot / Foggy Notion due to the recent change of hands. 2/3rds of qPDX.com stopped by after a gay old time at the Sandy river in all our sandy, sunburnt glory. This DirtBag was also a fundraiser for TuffLuck, the trans-owned and operated coffee shop located inside In Other Words bookshop, a fact that sadly was not as promoted as it could have been, but still had plenty of folks in attendance.
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Can’t we? And I quote “Can’t we get over my penis? It’s not even that impressive; more like an extra-large clit. What are you, sizeist now?” This delivered straight from the missed connection section of craigslist. It’s hilariously titled “Missed Connection with Every Lesbian Girl I’ve Ever Swooned Over.”
I’m not going to ask the question of why. I know why. Gay women are hot.

Women are hot. Women kissing each other with no men present is hot. Honestly, I think that the bi women are the ones who really get to men. There’s potential there.
Straight dude to me on New Year’s Eve at the E-Room: Do you want to dance?
Me: Like with you and your gay friends?
Dude: No. Just me.
Me: So you came here to meet women?
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Come on, admit it. You’ve all done it-cruised the ads, that is, hopelessly mining the black 10pt Times New Roman on white, or even in your RSS feed viewer if you’re a technophile, searching for that elusive flash of recognition. Or maybe you just like the drama, the requests for initials, the coded messages between Frogbelly and Ratboy, the tortured twisted poetry sent out into the cold world of the intarweb, transmitted but only possibly received…or the slanderous name slinging and “your dead to me” threats, or even, maybe, the “me: brown hair, blue eyes, you: black tee, blue jeans, short hair, you looked at me for a second from the other side of Holocene, meet me for coffee?” infused jabs of wistfulness.

Whatever it is, you’ve done it. Read, that is. Skimmed. Maybe you’ve even posted your own ad? What is it about the missed connections ads in this town-everyone’s reading them, everyone’s writing them, are we too shy to talk to people up front any more? What happened to taking risks, asking someone out? Why are we resolving (or, actually, not resolving) our issues with people in public forums?
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