Northbank gay bar in Vancouver
It seems like my little home town, which I lovingly call the ‘Couv or Vantucky, is seeing its 15 minutes of fame these days. Later on we’ll have an interview with an out Skyview high school athlete conducted by new qPDX sports writer Aly Sneider, and right now I’m here to tell you that The Advocate ranked Vancouver, WA as the 6th gayest city in the country!
Now neither Portland nor New York City made the list, which of course brings their radically unscientific methods into question. If they hadn’t listed SF I would have called this list the gayest cities you never knew were gay. But alas, they admit their highly theoretical equation for coming up with the gayest cities could have produced these odd results.
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"It Gets Better" project founder Dan Savage (R) with husband Terry
A roller coaster of emotions swept gay America this year. Here’s a snapshot.
5 – University of Michigan’s Student Body President Stalked and Harassed by State’s Assistant Attorney General
When MI Attorney General Andrew Shirvell began harassing UMich Student Body President Christ Armstrong people started to notice, mostly prominently among them CNN’s Anderson Cooper, who interviewed Shirvell on air.
4 – Constance McMillan is barred from her prom and embraced by the rest of the world
When Constance McMillan planned to take her girlfriend to prom, organizing parents canceled the event and held a gay-free dance elsewhere. But instead of cowering McMilan powered along with an ACLU lawsuit and won the support of celebrities, public figures and the world-at-large. Her Facebook fan page has over 400,00 members and she has a scholarship care of Ellen Degeneres.
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Congressman Barney Frank may look like a muppet but he's tough as nails and funny as anything Jim Henson ever dreamed up
Sorry for the hiatus folks, you have evil domain empire GoDaddy to thank for that. This was originally supposed to be a Christmas Eve news roundup but here we are at Boxing Day, the day to return all the horrendous sweaters we got yesterday. So if you’re still trying to avoid the long arms pf the family here’s a little roundup of good news you have have missed over the last few days of Christmas cheer. (And stay tuned for a New Year’s roundup!)
Obama signs the reapeal of DADT with video below. “That’s done!”
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Today the Senate passed the standalone bill to repeal the ban on gays in the military. Who knew we had to be alert on a Saturday? Congress has been working overtime. In a bill that seemed close to dead this repeal of the 17-year-old “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell Policy” now heads to President Barack Obama‘s desk where he will most certainly sign it into law.
From Politico:
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Sheikha Moza, wife of Qatar's Emir Sheikh Hamad stands next to FIFA President Sepp Blatter. Arnd Wiegmann/Reuters
When the The Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) announced that the 2022 World Cup would be held in the Middle Eastern country Qatar gay soccer/football fans were not only upset but angry, announcing boycotts and talking of protests.
Homosexuality is illegal in the tiny Middle Eastern country — reports indicate that Qatar residents who are caught engaged in gay sex receive the death penalty. The punishment for foreigners, while not fatal, is also severe: in 1995, an American citizen was sentenced to six months in prison and 90 lashes for violating Qatar’s taboo against homosexuality.
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Senator Leiberman (L) and Senator Collins
Joseph Lieberman, an independent from Connecticut, and Susan Collins, a Republican from Maine introduce a bill to end the ban on gays in the military. From the Advocate:
Two prominent senators introduced a bipartisan bill Friday to end the ban on gay and lesbian troops serving openly in the military.
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I am extremely disappointed that yet another filibuster has prevented the Senate from moving forward with the National Defense Authorization Act. Despite having the bipartisan support of a clear majority of Senators, a minority of Senators are standing in the way of the funding upon which our troops, veterans and military families depend. This annual bill has been enacted each of the past 48 years, and our armed forces deserve nothing less this year.
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Arguments for and against the constitutionality of Proposition 8 began today in the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. The appeal is of an August ruling by Chief U.S. District Judge Vaughn R. Walker, who ruled after a trial that the 2008 ballot measure defining marriage as only between a man and a woman violated the U.S. Constitution.
The San Francisco based court drama is seeing protesters from both […]
Spotlighting John McCain‘s flip floppy nature of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell (as if that’s his only contradictory issue) Jon Stewart gives an update on DADT with his segment “Gaypocalypse Now” which I’ve embedded below. This comes directly after the release of an extensive Pentagon survey that found repealing the policy would have little to no negative effect on our armed forces. There is no “queer and present danger” to speak of but I like that bit of humor.
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Jenkins (R) and Brown together. Scandalous.
Amidst a year of horrific gay teen suicides young queers have yet more to worry about. Yesterday Willamette Week published a heart wrenching story about 19 year old Antjuanece Brown‘s battle against felony charges of sex abuse, creating child pornography and luring a minor.
The crimes that prompted Washington County to press these charges came only from a few suggestive cell phone pictures between Brown and her 16-year-old girlfriend Jolene Jenkins.
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