  LIPDX Team
A new soon-to-be-addictive tumblr blog, Lesbians in PDX, is launching this Wednesday, January 18. LIPDX, as it’s called, is run by Portlanders Alex, Rachael, and Ashley, who have brought the fun of the already popular Lesbians in San Francisco up north to our lovely queer city. To get a glimpse at what’s to come, check out lesbiansinsf.tumblr.com, and just imagine how great it will be when it’s our own community showcased.
I had a chance to speak with Alex from the LIPDX Team about the blog and its upcoming launch.
qPDX: What is lesbiansinPDX all about?
Alex: LesbiansinPDX will be a tumblr blog that showcases the real and diverse queer women of Portland. It works through community participation. Those who want to be on the blog contact us and we set up a photo shoot. All we ask is for 3 fun facts. It is a great way for the community to get to know one another. It’s a fun way to show the world what lovely queer ladies there are in the beautiful city of Portland.
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  Rick Santorum
With a frighteningly high place finish in the Iowa caucus last week, all of the sudden Rick Santorum is warranting actual, serious attention. Up until Iowa, Santorum was one of the only Republican candidates who had not had his 15 minutes of not-Romney front-running fame. Indeed, Santorum has been such a joke throughout the race that, until Iowa, Santorum’s own website came up second on google to a website hilariously (and anally) defining his last name.
Santorum’s outlandish Iowa-fueled surge came to a 9.4% trickle in New Hampshire, where he took fifth place, with only the other anti-gay Rick behind him. Although in New Hampshire he seemed to be back where he should be in the contest, South Carolina’s primary is next up, where he has spent $1.5 million in ads and is hoping for a high finish in the socially conservative state. In deep-seated fear that Santorum may continue to be a Romney challenger throughout the rest of the primary season, I thought it wise to share with the qPDX readers exactly what Santorum thinks of you, your love, and your queer-ass sex (or queer ass sex. Or both, really.)
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  During the holiday season, the Salvation Army bell ringers are out in droves. You may know that the change you throw into their buckets will go to assisting many of the hungry and/or homeless folks in Portland this winter, but what you might not know is that none of those folks will be queer. The Salvation Army, an evangelical Christian charity, is actively homophobic and discriminatory toward LGBTQ people who seek their services, as well as our community as a whole. For these reasons, I urge you not to donate to them.
On their website, The Salvation Army speaks to the “standards and principles,” which all members are encouraged to review and reaffirm. Among a slew of position statements, there is one entitled “homosexuality”, which explains that “sexual intimacy is understood as a gift of God to be enjoyed within the context of heterosexual marriage.” They go on to speak about how homosexuality is not “blameworthy in itself,” but that gay people should act “responsibly” by not acting upon our feelings. They explain, “The Salvation Army believes that Christians whose sexual orientation is primarily or exclusively same-sex are called upon to embrace celibacy as a way of life.”
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  Dan Savage
Gay rights activist and sex columnist Dan Savage, after being glitter bombed at the University of Oregon earlier this month, was yet again showered with sparkles in response to using transphobic language in his Savage Love column and on stage. This story has taken quite a few turns.
The Bilerico first reported the incident on November 14th, an article which Savage blogged, “actively and maliciously misrepresented” his remarks. On November 9th, Savage, who is on a tour of Universities for his upcoming MTV series, was speaking to an audience at the University of California Irvine. On his blog, Savage explains that he was answering a question from an audience member about her boyfriend who, in her words, “likes watching shemale porn.” In his response, Savage was reported to have used to problematic terms, “shemale” and “freaky tranny porn,” while also confirming that yes, the boyfriend in question was a freak. Savage has fired back to the allegations claiming, “I did say ‘shemale.’ I read the question as-written, repeated the term in my response, and then used ‘transsexual’ in place of ‘shemale’…modeling the use of less offensive terms.” He added, “I never used the phrase ‘freaky tranny porn.’ I never said the word ‘tranny’ at UCI at all.”He does admit to calling the boyfriend “a very freaky boy,” but apparently did not mean it negatively as he and his column are “pro-freak.”
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