  World AIDS Day 12/1/ 2011
Thursday, December 1rst, marks the 23rd annual World AIDS Day. This year will be the 30th anniversary of the first documented case of AIDS. World AIDS Day recognizes the 25 million people whom lost their lives due to the HIV and AIDS virus. Currently, there are about 33 million individuals living with the HIV virus. A recent landmark study showed that healthy people on antiretrovirals, can limit the transmission of the virus by 96%.
President Obama along with George W. Bush will be speaking at an event hosted by the ONE campaign, for a program called “The Beginning of the End of AIDS.” The LIVE broadcast (10am EST-Thursday) will also include a panel discussion with Bill Clinton, Alicia Keys, Bono and more. On a more local scale, The Equality Foundation and Pride Foundation are partnering up to support the Planned Parenthood of Southwest Oregon (PPSO) initiative- this will provide free HIV testing for low income LGBTQ youth. These tests will be administered by PPSO staff at the following health centers: Florence and Cottage Grove (Lane Co.), Ashland and Medford (Jackson Co.), and Grants Pass in Josephine county.
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 Today is the 22nd Annual World AIDS Day, a time for communities to come together to ensure we not only that we recognize the 25 million individuals lost to HIV and AIDS, but the 33 million global citizens living with the HIV virus today.
In the US, there are over 1.1 Million Americans living with HIV and more than 20% of those infected do not even know they carry the virus. It is estimated by the CDC that 56,000 new infections are occurring annually, that’s one new infection every nine and a half minutes in the US due to a disease that is completely preventable.
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Tomorrow’s many activities mark the 21st Annual World AIDS Day, a time to recognize not only the 25 million individuals lost to HIV and AIDS, but the 33 million global citizens living with the HIV virus today. World AIDS Day Portland lists numerous stories, resources, events and workshops happening throughout the day and for the next week.
To mark world AIDS Day and raise awareness throughout the Portland Metropolitan area, HIV/AIDS service organizations with both domestic and international focus have come together to implement the Nine and a Half Minutes Campaign for 2009. Through this campaign, we envision hundreds of groups – from schools to community-based organizations – to mobilize short actions, events, or campaigns all over the Portland-metropolitan area to raise awareness for 21st Annual World AIDS Day.
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