  Homomentum season 3. Photo Credit Zaq Banton. Design Credit Motherwit.com
The 3rd Season of Homomentum approaches and we are seeking performers! Homomentum will re-launch on Friday, January 6th, 2012 and will be happening 1st Fridays of the month at the Fez Ballroom!
Dates & Themes
Jan 6th: Myths & Legends
Feb 3rd: Love Knots
March 2nd: Singin’ in the Rain
April 6th: Science/Fiction
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 Bunim-Murray Productions and MTV are seeking extraordinary people who appear to be between the ages of 16-24, who want to share their coming out stories. Whether you have already come out, or you want to come out, you can be part of a revolutionary TV special airing on National Coming Out Day (October 11).
Do you have a particularly unique coming out story that you are willing to share? […]
  Michelle Tea in San Francisco's Mission district in the '90s
Local filmmaker Aubree Bernier-Clarke (who you might also know from Swan Island or a recent Portlandia cameo) has issued a casting call for a short film she’s producing from Chapter 3 of legendary 90s dyke author Michelle Tea‘s Valencia. Below is her description of the project. If you’re interested in getting involved email valenciapdx@gmail.com.
This film will be part of a feature film based on the book, with different directors creating short films for each chapter. The novel dramatizes the hopes and hurts, apathies and ambitions of young lesbians looking for love in San Francisco’s Mission District in the early 1990s, focusing on Michelle, a poet navigating the druggy, boozy dyke scene while consorting with a series of lady loves.
I’m casting for the following roles:
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 Thought-provoking and avant garde video and installation artist Gia Goodrich is looking for a diverse array of individuals for her next pieces. Not for the faint of heart, her last show at Disjecta featured some disturbing self-choking imagery as well as some comedic, but still very naked and raw, video installations. So here’s the pitch if you’re so bold.
My name is Gia Goodrich and I am a graduate student at PNCA working on my thesis project. The following is a call for participation for my thesis work. The first iteration of the piece will be showing in the MFA central gallery at PNCA in March. This will be a show documenting the process. The second will be the final piece that will show as part of the MFA Thesis exhibition in May.
This piece is dependent upon involvement from individuals of the queer community in Portland its surrounding areas.
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 Are you an aspiring actor who is also trans? Well, you might have a sound your niche already. Award-winning trans director Rhys Ernst is looking for some fine young gentlemen to audition for the lead role in his upcoming MFA thesis comedy Tristan and Zooey. He describes the character as a transitioned 20-something boy-next-door type.
SYNOPSIS: Gender, cats, and mythical roadside attractions are at the center of a tumultuous […]
Scott Braucht is casting for gay short and, unlike major Hollywood studios, would actually like real lesbians and gays to try out for the parts!
Auditions will be held on Sunday, April 18. Please contact me if this won’t work for you, but you are still interested in auditioning. Hopefully we can set up an alternative time.
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