  I had this foggy notion i went BENT at faggy nation!
It hasn’t been long since the Blue Parrot first fluttered it’s way into many a Portland gay’s party calendar. A little off the beaten track and tucked away pretty far up north, no one could predict that this local neighbourhood bar would turn into the party location motivating deepest SE bound queers (me) to hoof on up north. (Which is kinda the same thing we all said when gay pizza started happening.)
But: The Blue Parrot’s basic charms of queers, gritty music, tons o’dancing, cheap drinks and a little backyard, along with two of the most promising recent gay, lesbian and trans party upstarts, DIRTBAG! and BENT, made this diamond in the rough shine on hard, bright and crazy.
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  Let's get physical at Saturday's Leotard 80s party
If you’re not headed up to Seattle for Freakshow a gogo these are the places you should be this weekend:
Dirtbag – Sweaty, small, cheap. The music is a mixed bag but you won’t care.
Bootie mashup – Apparently pirates are back. So mashup yer eyepatches and go go dancing. And butt pirate photobooth? All about it.
Gay Volleyball Championships – I really really hope they bring in sand to the convention center. I only watch sports for the short shorts and jiggling but this has got to fulfill all your fantasies of sun-drenched beach hotness in the horrible weather we are currently experiencing. Oh yeah, and expect to see pictures here on Monday…
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 Yes, the springing spring has brought us yet another queertastic dance extravaganza…because we all.just.can’t.get.enough… Yes, it’s Blow Pony‘s 3rd birthday this Saturday at Rotture (315 SE 3rd) and I will be in full regalia with my crew, but I am starting to get a bit wary of the night that seems to keep expanding in both good and less good ways. Are we going to burst at the seams? Has BP become just another freakshow for the masses? This weekend is a test my friends. And it may be time for some of us to retreat into our smaller queer dominated domains for awhile. We shall see.
Luckily we have ample opportunity. Listening to the description of tomorrow’s new Blue Parrot (3416 N Lombard) hosted !!!DIRT BAG!!! glamourtronic queer dance pop party!!! I am certainly tempted to add another evening to my dance party schedule, full as it may be.
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  Trans porn star Buck Angel
When I first heard about Portland queer porn showings I was elated. Slated to be at the intimate and aptly named Rumpspanker’s what could be better than a horde of horny queers reveling in their sexy voyeurism together? But alas, the night was moved south to Crush (1400 SE Morrison) and refashioned with a hefty $10 entry fee.
And while it would be pretty fantastic to join in this Wednesday to watch The Buck Stops Here with the infamous Buck Angel himself in attendance, I really don’t think I can pony up that many bills for a movie I could rent with my sweetie in the seclusion of my own clean bedroom. That said, there will be raffle items from It’s My Pleasure and SheBop, not mention items from the Angel himself. Plus a steamy Q&A after the screening.
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