Clockwise from left: Saturn, Sally Ingus Wilder, Bulimianne Rhapsody and Kaj-Anne Pepper at Blow Pony
This what what caught your eye or sparked heated debate on these very pages in 2010.
5 – Hot gay boys do Katy Perry’s “California Girls.”
Gay version of the biggest pop hit of the summer went viral. So hot it melted your popsicle.
4 – Aden Jaric jailed after Miss Thing punchup
Gay porn superstar twinsies (not really, despite the same last name) visiting Portlnad would have had hype enough to propel queer news but when Aden Jaric was arrested after a domestic dispute he had with Jorden Jaric at the Miss Thing show the rumor mill went crazy.
Biggest effin’ gay stuff of the dear. We were all over it of course. Even made the trek to Cali. Hard workers we are…
2 – Anything to do with Blow Pony
Pride is only once a year but the most popular queer freak party rides all year long. Always packed, always spurring drama, Blow Pony had plenty issues to discuss, drunk nights to recount, and photos to swoon and cringe over.
Even though it was an international story and Googling could have taken you anywhere, everyone was excited our Ricky’s coming out day. I thought it was a bit boring, news wise, and merely had most of us shaking our heads and saying, “Duh.” But hey, there’s no accounting for taste in popularity is there? (And no, oddly I was not a social outcast in high school…)