  Washington governor Chris Gregoire, left, and congressman Jamie Pedersen celebrate the bill's passing last week. Elaine Thompson / AP
Today our neighbors to the north made gay marriage officially legal when Governor Christine Gregoire signed the landmark legislation into law amidst the cheers of gay couples and supporters making it the seventh state (as well as the District of Columbia) to allow same-sex marriage.
“My friends, welcome to the other side of the rainbow,” said state Sen. Ed Murray, D-Seattle, before Gregoire signed the bill.
“This is a very proud moment,” Gregoire said, “I’m proud our same-sex couples will no longer be treated as separate but equal.”
However, changes won’t go into effect for 90 days meaning that opponents have until June 6th to gather enough signatures, 120,577, to put it on November’s ballot. If they do not marriages can begin June 7, but if they do they will be put off until the election.
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 After Washington state passed a bill through the Senate last week we knew that the road to gay marriage in our neighbor to the north was only a matter of time. Today we are one step closer, that is, pretty much there, with the House passing the HB 2516 by 55-43. All that’s left now is for Gov. Gregoire to sign, seal and deliver it, which she is expected to do.
However, because there is no emergency clause on the bill, the law wouldn’t take effect for 90 days giving opponents time to get a referendum on the ballot. This would effectively stall gay marriages until after the November election meaning none of those troublesome “grandfathered” unions like the couples who married in California before Pop 8 was passed.
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 Yesterday’s vote in the Washington state Senate was the first big push to get the same-sex marriage ball rolling in the state. Now the Washington state House has to pass the bill, and the governor has to sign it. The bill is expected to pass as early as next week, according to the Seattle Times.
The state Senate was seen as the biggest hurdle the bill’s passage. The House apparently has more than enough votes in its favor, according to the bill’s supporters, and Gov. Chris Gregoire strongly supports it.
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 Big business has been getting some press for their support of Washington’s newly introduced gay marriage bills, which are now expected to pass both the Senate and the House. Last Thursday six prominent companies, including Microsoft and Nike signed a letter of support for SB 6239 and HB 2516. Today Starbucks joined the growing list of corporations in support of Washington state marriage equality saying,
Starbucks is proud to join other leading Northwest employers in support of Washington State legislation recognizing marriage equality for same-sex couples…
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  Sen. Mary Margaret Haugen secures the last vote needed
Earlier this month Governor of our close neighbor Christine Gregoire announced her support for marriage equality in Washington state.
The House already had enough necessary votes to pass a bill and, as of today, so does the Senate. Following a two hour legislative hearing in Olympia today Sen. Mary Margaret Haugen, D-Camano Island has said she will support the bill (6239). She is the 25th to add her support including 2 Republicans. Her decision was a difficult one, which she acknowledges in this statement released today:
“For several weeks now, I have heard from the people of my district. They’ve shared what’s in their hearts and minds.
“I have received many letters, emails, phone calls, very heartfelt, from both sides of the issue. I’ve also received a number of very negative comments from both sides.
“For some people, this is a simple issue. I envy them. It has not been simple or easy for me.
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  Gov. Chris Gregorie-D-WA Speaks up for Gay Marriage
Could Washington State be the 7th state to legalize gay marriage? With the help of Gov. Chris Gregoire, it is entirely possible! She announced Wednesday that she will put forth legislation to legalize marriage between lesbian and gay couples. The proposal will be introduced on Monday, January 9th during the legislative session.
In the past, Gregoire has supported same-sex partners having the same rights as married couples, however, has never advocated it publicly. While running for Governor in 2004, she announced that she did not think that Washington was “ready to support gay marriage.”
When she ran for a second term in 2008, she spoke in an interview, stating, “To me, the state’s responsibility is to absolutely ensure equality. The other is a religious issue, and I leave it to the churches to make that call about marriage.” But, this week Gregoire spoke for 20 minutes about her reasons to move forward, now.
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 Update: The CC Chamber of Commerce has officially stated that this was spam email. There have been discussions about this statement (make of that what you will) and you can read the entire announcement at the bottom of this post.
For all the ups and downs of my hometown Vancouver, Washington and its Clark County, from being named one of the most gayest cities to being made fun of in a Portlandia spoof called Vancouvria, I never would have expected emails as homophobic as these that circulated last night at the Clark County Chamber of Commerce. (Guess they won’t be promoting our Holiday Gift Guide, local as it may be).
Apparently, they were not meant for the general public, but that doesn’t negate their inherent discrimination. Change.org has additional information and a petition you can sign demanding an apology.
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Watch the 2011 Seattle Pride Parade Streamed LIVE on qPDX!
The parade will take place this Sunday, June 26 at 11 a.m to 2:30 p.m. in Downtown Seattle so check back right here!
MK Scott (of OUTview Online) called upon ITV Productions to provide the crew and cameras and the idea took off from there. Scott realized the high demand and interest to capture the parade live and stream […]