Ricky Martin…We all knew, but now we know for sure!
Ricky Martin has just confirmed a decade or so of rumours that he is, in fact, actually, really really gay, or as he states on his website: “proud to say that I am a fortunate homosexual man”
I wonder where he will work with his public image after this, considering a lot of his work is based […]
  Jailtime kiss for Lady Gaga or "How do I get into that prison?"
Love her, hate her, think we here at qPDX blog too much about her, there is no denying that the queer internets are all kinds of atwitter over Lady Gaga‘s newest music video.
In a duet with the fabulous Miss Beyonce, Telephone is a completely odd and queer refashioning of pop culture and I want to hear what all you fine people have to say about it. My favorite reviews, so far, come from edgy lez-culture site Autostraddle and include highlights such as:
“I appreciate the sheer volume of weird shit happening”
“Like getting Wes Anderson to direct Thong Song”
“I feel like I’m high, but I’m not”
“Gaga escaped the Russian mafia with their toxic vodka and sexy potato sack dresses.”
Now watch the magic (below) and see for yourself.
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B.A Baracus: "I pity the fool that pokes me in the eye with his gay hair!" Boy George:"Do you really want to hurt me?"
Fabu gay hero Lady Gaga and slightly dusty but still gaytastic crooner Boy George are duetting it up to make the possibly gayest song in history, reports The Sun. Despite the fact that The Sun ranks near the bottom (but above the National Enquirer!) […]
 From Left: Adam Lambert, Kris Allen, Ryan Seacrest at the 'American Idol' finale
Buzz across TV land predicted that the outlandish, and quite probably gay, Adam Lambert would take home the top prize at this year’s American Idol. Alas, the favorite was upset by the cute, but not nearly as deserving, Kris Allen.
Even Mr. Allen was slightly stunned by the news: after the host Ryan Seacrest had told him he had won, he said, “Adam deserves this.” (By contrast, Simon Cowell appeared to lodge a silent protest from his seat, declining to stand and applaud Mr. Allen’s victory with his fellow judges.)
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