
‘Homomentum’ is back so grab your ‘Cub’ and get ready to ‘Do the Dark’

Riley and Flo sport matching denim onsies at Dirtbag


Weekly or monthly, neighborhood or downtown Thursday is a night for favorites Dirtbag! and Drop Shop. I’ll be swillin’ at the perfect little party that could in one of my favorite just big enough locations on Alberta St. Of course, don’t forget the first night of artsy schmoozing at the exciting and all ages Siren Nation festival, which continues all weekend.


Homomentum: Rebels & OutlawsThe monthly variety show of thematic queer fabulousness is back from summer break with more mayhem and a new location. Downtown’s Fez Ballroom (SW 13th and Stark) should be a much better venue with more room for watching than last year’s now defunct E Room. I have been especially devoid of Catitude in my life lately and I can’t wait to see what they do with such a rebellious theme. Little Tommy Bang Bang & Slim Pickins, Swagger and the long missed All of the Above, should also have some hilarity mixed with hotness that I just can’t wait for.

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Lubing it up for charity


Lube Job at Red Cap Garage

We here at qPDX have already sung the praises of Red Cap’s (1035 SW Stark) Wednesday night Lube Job party, but there are a few things you might not know that will make attending tomorrow’s hot summer night essential.

Wrestling in a kiddie pool full of slippery stuff might be fun, but it has a purpose as well.Hundreds of dollars have already been raised for local organizations and there’s plenty of room for more. All you have to do is send a slick representative.

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