  Dexter Flowers and Cooper Lee Bombardier perform Sunday at Not Enough! Festival
Bollywood Bike In with Qurbani – Giving Portland a little much needed cultural flavor local DJ Anjiali and Kid Sister are showing classic Bollywood films outside the Q Center (4115 N Mississippi) all month long. This week features Qurbani and I’m excited to see a South Asian take on the 80s…
Ratatat afterparty with Rude Dudes – Ratatat are not a gay band but they’re hipsters and isn’t that about the same thing in Portland these days? Don’t worry, they’ve teamed up with “Rude” homos for a spanktastic dance party and DJ set. This might be the most mellow Thursday I’ve seen in awhile.
Mendy’s Big Gay Boat Party – Do you need an excuse to bust out those Top-Siders and sailor hat? No, you don’t. But in case you want to fool around with others in sea garb this is your chance.
Forsorcerers with Hooray for Everything and Don’t – Didn’t think Portland could get any weirder? How about a queer fantasy metal band? Despite the schtick, hoever, Forsorcerers are incredibly talented drum and guitar heros that will aurally rock you into remembering why you love the rough stuff.
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  Film still for 'Field Guide to November Days'
In Portland the queer community and the bike community are inextricably linked. Arts, culture, and film overlap with both. So the latest project from Sampo films, run by Nick Peterson and openly queer partner Mary DeFreese is quintessentially west coast LGBT.
Championed by prominent gay filmmaker Gus Van Sant, the duo’s first several films were shorts that, at 20 to 40 minutes, were difficult to place in either the short or feature space. But soon they brought their cinematically beautiful films, all shot in 16mm to the feature space with 2006’s Yellow. Based on the same characters A Field Guide to November Days is a very different film although co-producer Mary DeFreese says that this time they intended to put splashes of red into every shot. This experimental project features very little dialogue, instead focusing on the intensity of silence and the power of color. It was also filmed almost entirely by bike.
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 Sewing Rebellion
The lovlies over at Fat Fancy are thrilled to host artist and professor, Frau Fiber, doing a performance in front of the store (1013 SW Morrison) tomorrow Friday March 26th.
Frau Fiber will construct a “Columbia” style jacket, in her size, made out of plastic bags, on a bicycle powered sewing machine! The project is part of the Gestures of Resistance exhibition at Museum of […]