  Lionel and Marshall in an embrace in United States of Tara
The gays struggled with the boob tube this year in part because there actually are a fair amount of decent characters and story lines to choose from. So we are on that cusp of counting down the best gay shows vs. the best gay moments.
It’s also a year where we start to shift judging from “a good portrayal of LGBT life” to simply the “best TV” that just happens to contain gay elements, or are even primarily gay themed. This list has a combination.
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  Ricky Martin is gay?!
Celebrities, as powerful and rich as they are, still tend to remain in the closet. Here are the top 5 folks this year that had the courage to publicly declare their homo-love.
5 – Amber Heard
Actress from The Stepfather, The Joneses, Pineapple Express, spoke openly with AfterEllen.com about being a lesbian pioneer in Hollywood, during the GLAAD media awards.
4 – Chely Wright
There was a lot of hype leading up to this announcement which was largely met by a big “who?” when the information was finally released. We were all expecting someone really famous to come out, but Chely Wright is a country singer who has quite the following in the South. Oh yeah, and that Christian singer Jennifer Knapp came out too.
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  The cast of 'The Real L Word'
In this week that ends both the resurrection as well the the famed Dinah Shore weekend gays and lesbians are tired and news is thin. Even I stayed in on Saturday night, much to my housemate’s amazement. So instead of a weekend recap let’s greet Monday with two videos that have been making their way around the web.
Firstly, let’s take a look at the trailer for Ilene Chaiken‘s new series The Real L Word. By all accounts it looks as vapid as the fictional series.
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