
STRUT 2009 lineup announced

STRUT is all about glamour, style, and an over-the-top celebration of our community’s talents, while at the same time supporting the work of the largest organization working to end discrimination based upon sexual orientation and gender identity in Oregon. Over the past 4 years, STRUT has featured some of the best of Portland’s designers, including “Leanimal” (the winner of Bravo’s “Project Runway” series in 2008). […]

lube wrestling @ crave friday night, april 17th

There’s a lot going on tomorrow night! But there’s also lube wrestling. Wrestling drunk people all lubed up might be a little messy, but the owner of the bar assures me that the wrestling pit will be in a contained area. You will still be able to dance if wrestling isn’t your thing.

Crave, the monthly queer ladies dance party at Crush will feature three things dear to my […]

Get your gay liberation fix on tomorrow.

Sherry Wolf, of the International Socialist Organization will be speaking at Portland State University tomorrow (7:15pm PSU Smith Student Union, room 101) on LGBT liberation. Wolf is the author of the forthcoming book, “Sexuality and Socialism: History, Politics and Theory of Gay Liberation.”

Here are some of her articles:

Teamsters and Trannies, Unite!

Stonewall: The Birth of Gay Power

The Roots of Gay Oppression

The […]

Post-Just Out?

Since the shakedown at Just Out, a crop of queer publications have cropped up or are in the works. OPB recently ran a story about New Queer Media and id Magazine. Unfortunately, even I (the earliest of risers) missed its airing. It aired at 6:50 this morning.  The article on OPB is here.

Too bad QPDX missed the boat.

On a personal note, I hope that Portland is […]

Can’t we get over my penis? (missed connection pt.2)

Can’t we? And I quote “Can’t we get over my penis? It’s not even that impressive; more like an extra-large clit. What are you, sizeist now?” This delivered straight from the missed connection section of craigslist. It’s hilariously titled “Missed Connection with Every Lesbian Girl I’ve Ever Swooned Over.”

I’m not going to ask the question of why. I know why. Gay women are hot.

Imagine me and the drunken dude.

Women are hot. Women kissing each other with no men present is hot. Honestly, I think that the bi women are the ones who really get to men. There’s potential there.

Straight dude to me on New Year’s Eve at the E-Room: Do you want to dance?

Me: Like with you and your gay friends?

Dude: No. Just me.

Me: So you came here to meet women?

Continue reading »

Rugby (fun)draiser

Today from 6 until late pm the  Oregon Rugby Sports Union (ORSU) women’s team will be holding an all you can eat, all you can drink spaghetti feed. There will be kegs and large vats of spaghetti as well as a silent auction.

The ORSU team have been slected to compete in the brand new USA Rugby Premiership. The Premiership is a league of the best teams in […]

Dirty! Dirty! Dirty!

It’s safe to say that Dirty Queer, the monthly open mic at your local feminist bookstore happening this friday from 6-9pm is dirtier than dirt. At times its dirtier than an orgy of naked tree-sitters making the nasty in a mud pit (not that I’ve ever experienced anything like this. at all). Case in point: a few months ago, someone read a piece about getting off to tornadoes and […]