 Channel 4 signs agreement to portray trans people "positively and realistically" from now on
According to Pinknews.co.uk, Britain’s Channel 4, responsible for bringing such landmark shows as Queer As Folk and Skins (via it’s subsidiary E4) but also Too Fat To Walk (WTF? Oh, it’s been renamed “Too Big To Walk”, well, that changes everything) to the British public and henceforth the world, has now signed a sensitivity agreement, weightily titled “Trans Media Watch’s Memorandum of Understanding“.
In this progressive new step, Channel 4 is the first of any UK TV channel to publicly pledge it’s commitment to portraying trans people and their lives “positively and realistically”, while supporting trans employees and their families by treating them equally to cis-gendered people and their families.
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 I remain unconvinced that you love us
A short while ago, a French McDonalds ad featuring a young gay man was touted in the media as “gayfriendly” and “a breakthrough“. In the ad, a young man is ordering food with his father in a McDonalds fast food restaurant when his lover calls him on the phone, the two chitchat until the boys father arrives, who is oblivious to his son’s gayness.
Commercial ploy or sincere declaration? And what about the American video response just published?
Check out both ads after the jump. What do you think?
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Gay TV Guide
January is a slow month for Portland gay news as you can tell. It’s rainy outside, you stay inside and wait for spring, we try and find alternative news to keep you entertained…
Enter the GLAAD Gay TV Guide.
 Breaking news! David Letterman isn't very funny
UPDATED – see bottom
…except this time the person he’s ragging on is Amanda Simpson, who was appointed by President Obama to the U.S. Commerce Department. Queers United, a fellow blog, reports that Letterman shows a picture of Simpson on his show, and then an audience refers to her as someone who used to be “a dude” and infers a sexual relationship with Ms. Simpson before running off in disgust.
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Fabulous! Unbeknownst to me, RuPaul’s Drag Race is a pretty big deal—if you’re a Logo subscribin’ Drag Queen lovin’ homo that is- (i’m one of these things, and it doesn’t involve a TV) and I hadn’t even heard of it before. Nevertheless, I DID end up at the Red Cap Garage last Thursday until quite late to witness something I think I’ve never seen before-a Drag Pageant.
For those of you unfamiliar with RuPaul’s Drag Race, it’s a Reality TV show hosted by the legendary RuPaul herself—who is searching for the next drag superstar (Think Priscilla meets American Idol or even Top Chef and you’re almost there) Candidates are evaluated on their style, attitude, skills and overall fierceness.
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