 Lesbian TV star Rachel Maddow's highschool yearbook picture
Fill in the blank! This photo is so adorable. I guess we were all femme once. Forgive us for posting this, Rachel! (I don’t mind posting a pic of me in a dress to make it up to you…) I think it is empowering to know that she has struggled with her gender presentation just like we all have. […]
Forgive me, my fellow Portland queers, for indulging in a bit of personal reverie. My favorite political commentator, Rachel Maddow, spoke this weekend at the graduation of this year’s Smithies. Despite being introduced to my least favorite of the 3 college presidents I experienced at my alma mater, 2010 lucked out on its speaker. What a long, strange 7 years it has been since I was sitting there myself…
 Amanda Simpson
Amanda Simpson is being called the first America’s first openly transgender presidential appointee in the the job she starts Tuesday as the Senior Technical Advisor in U.S. Commerce Department.
Reluctant to be the first, Simpson knew there would be issues, despite her exceptional qualifications for the job. And indeed, anti-gay leader Peter LaBarbera, president of Americans For Truth, asked, “Is there going to be a transgender quota now in the Obama administration? “How far does this politics of gay and transgender activism go? Clearly this is an administration that is pandering to the gay lobby.”
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Everyone’s favorite lesbian anchor, Rachel Maddow, continues to light up the screen on her show…and everyone else’s. Last night she appeared on Jimmy Fallon and they had adorable banter about drinking and masculinity. Although they may have already been a little tipsy, as both kept spilling the vermouth.