 Black OUT marches in Portland Pride 2006
Though the wrestlers, dancers and Latin hunks were out in full force this weekend, making for an incredibly successful Latino Gay Pride in Portland, our Black Pride, put on by the Unity Project (formerly Brother to Brother) seems to be having more of a struggle.
Amid the scandal of Executive Director Alisa Simmons’ abrupt resignation, and questions about the need for Unity Project to exist, the events scheduled for this year seem a bit pale in comparison to the popular block party of last year.
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Why should only grownups get to wear rainbows? Yes, some aspects of Pride are about celebrating our sexuality, but mahy are also about celebrating our identities and communities. Children are a big part of those! So whether Heather has two mommies, two daddies, or thinks she might be a boy, it’s time to get together at the Q Center (4115 N Mississippi) this Sunday afternoon for crafting, music, food and fun at Family Pride!
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Tonight Q Center (4115 NE Mississippi) hosts a night of experimental lesbo theater when they put on She Had Wept. A series of vignettes inspired by the poems of Michelle Le Blau (the writer/director) is an experimental piece that tells a remarkable coming of age story of one young lesbian, and imparts the many struggles that all women face in society today.
A collection of poems and monologues that […]
Cascade Aids Project is starting a new educational series intended for volunteers and community members who want to be informed HIV and AIDS. The series of discussions, led by professionals and community leaders, will take place once ever two months at the Q Center (4115 N Mississippi Ave).
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