
CAP U’s first lesson: HIV myths & stigmas

Cascade Aids Project is starting a new educational series intended for volunteers and community members who want to be informed HIV and AIDS. The series of discussions, led by professionals and community leaders, will take place once ever two months at the Q Center (4115 N Mississippi Ave).

The first segment takes place tomorrow night, Tuesday the 31st from 6:30 to 8 PM. The discussion, revolving around myths and stigma, will be led by CAP Executive Director, Michael Kaplan, and Oregon AIDS Hotline Coordinator, Joseph Sedillo.

Always free, CAP U is a great opportunity to learn more about HIV and be able to discuss with a locally based organization and community members.

Besides, who doesn’t want to have drunken downer conversations after drowning your sorrows at happy hour? (Actually I very much believe in the value of this education and conversation and don’t mean to denigrade its importance at all, but we all need a little economic downturn and depression humor sometimes, now don’t we?)

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