
Violence Update: Queer Town Hall Date & Location Set

Stop violence in and against our community!

For all of you who were waiting to find out the news about the Queer Town Hall that is being organized to discuss the recent acts in/against our community and the police response to said events, there is now a date, time and location set. Here the deets:

Tuesday, July 7th, 2009 7pm-9pm The Q Center (4115 N Mississippi Ave)

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Update on the post BlowPony Violence (bloody imagery ahead)

Heather after the attack

Heather after the attack

It’s been pretty quiet around this issue in the last few days until we know what exactly will happen next and who is doing what. As far as I know, some people very involved in the community are considering a town hall style meeting, and BlowPony folks such as Airick, Jose and Heather (who got her nose broken after Blow Po) are going to the Portland Police SMRT (sexual minorities round table) with the police next month. I will most more info on the time, date etc as it becomes available. Audrey, who was the victim of transphobic and sexist harassment and told by the police that she didn’t need to file a report, has successfully filed a report against her attacker and the issue is being dealt with (we hope) by the police/courts/authorities.

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