  'Original Plumbing' editors Amos Mac (L) and Rocco Kayiatos aka Katastrophe are nominated in several categories
Transguys.com a in internet magazine dedicated to FTM news and culture is in the process of deciding their 2010 Community Award winners and they want your input. You can register a vote in each category, once per day in the following categories:
- Best Blog
- Best YouTube Channel
- Best Resource Website
- Best Action Campaign
- Best Business
- Musician or Music Group of the Year
- Sex Performer of the Year
- Phoenix Award for Outstanding Achievement
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Rather than leave you with a depressing news story about radio commentators who want government to look into our bedrooms I’d rather start your weekend off with a great new show. Original Plumbing‘s new web series OPTV is off to a raucous second episode when they talk about hair. Guest Margaret Cho certainly aids in making it a truly hilarious show, but co-hosts Rocco Katastrophe and Amos Mac are […]
 Work by Amos Mac
Every Women’s Studies 101 class had to read that Laura Mulvey article on the cinematic “male gaze” which described voyeurism and objectification of a female by a heterosexual male viewer. And then Cindy Sherman turned the theory of the gaze on its ear with her “Untitled Film Stills” and other eclectic self-portraiture.
Now Queer Gaze opening Thursday at Fontanelle Gallery (205 SW Pine) aims to explore the gaze from woman to woman or queer to queer, as well as the way that many photographers use their own visage or that of their friends to subvert traditional expectations of portraiture.
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 Editors Amos Mac (L) and Rocco Kayiatos pose with the first issue or 'Original Plumbing'
Lesbians used to have On Our Backs and gay men have Butt. Now, Original Plumbing, a “quarterly photo and interview-saturated magazine dedicated to the culture and sexuality of FTM transsexuals” is the new Playboy for the genderqueer generation. Sure, there’s all kinds of hot naked spreads, but you actually can genuinely say you read it for the articles with a “straight” face.
Just a warning, the website (linked above) features many NSFW photos.
The inaugural “bedroom issue” has just been released, and is already on independent bookstore shelves. Release parties continue to soldier on, including stops in Brooklyn, San Francisco and Seattle.
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