Just a quick video snippet from one of the many queer New Years parties last night. The last Fruitcake ever was a roaring success and Beth Ditto was on hand to help the homos ring in the new year. Cheers to organizer DJ Nolita for a continuously fabulous soiree and for use of this video.
Fruitcake New Years Countdown w/ Beth Ditto! from Deejay Nolita on Vimeo.
Hey… this was a fun New Year’s Eve! There was a woman taking pictures of couples against a backdrop set up between the two rooms… she said she would be posting them on flickr, but I have yet to see anything from that night. Does anyone know anything about her or how she was affiliated with Fruitcake, and if these pics will indeed surface?
They are on FB here: http://www.facebook.com/alleyhector?v=feed&story_fbid=246215569935#/album.php?aid=2029271&id=1103775901
But I’m not sure if its public. I’ll ask if she has a public version.
I knew I should have posted them, even late…
Are there any more?? A couple were taken of me and my hot date (it was our first date!) and I would love to get my hands on a copy. Don’t see them in the FB group though. 🙁 Can you help a sister out?