Bacon Salt man at last year's Portland Baconfest. 2011 version takes place this Saturday on E Burnside
Q center open house – Come say hi to the new Executive Director, Barbara McCullough-Jones while you check out featured art on the history of Portland drag from photographer Greg Pitts.
Kerry Hallet @ Alberta Pub – The pub may be eclipsed by its newer hipster neighbors across the street but it’s still got amazing fries and damn good acoustic music sets, like this one by local Kerry Hallet.
Bent featuring Jeau Breedlove – This months gay ass dance party up north features the homo hop stylings of Jeau Breedlove. The name will probably get old quickly but I heard the cat at the Queer Music Fest the rhymes are pretty dope.
Kings for a Cause III – These kings may not be the most polished dragsters on the a scene that has really come into its own in the past couple years but it’s for a good cause, and your last chance to say goodbye to the Portland institution that was the E Room.
Portland Baconfest – Helmed but radio homo extraordinaire Emily Gibson Baconfest is an all damn day celebration of the delicious fatty pig parts. PDX may have been a bastion of veganism in the past, but many have been turned to the dark side by things like sustainable butchery and, more to the point, savory pork products. They’ll be adorning all kinds of other foods such as cupcakes and vodka too. In addition, this celebration is going to feature hours of wacky games such as a giant bacon Twister, a bacon eating contest, bacon footrace, and the more refined such as a bacon art wall and a bacon dance off. Just take it easy and don’t toss your cookies. This stomach’s all for bacon.
HRC “Urban Farm” dinner & gala – The most mainstream gay thing of the weekend is a fundraiser for a gay organization that’s been criticized for not supporting those in our community but the most privileged. Still, the local celeb studded gala will play host to Senator Ron Wyden and even Portlandia‘s Fred Armisen among others…
Mrs. HoMotown – Damn if this summer ain’t all about the soul music. And the best gay theme night of ’em all has picked up on that giving us the sounds of Motown with a homo twist. So you better look sharp, cuz this ain’t no 90s grunge or lackadaisical Rose Fest, and you got Mr Charming as the face of the party to live up to and soul king Beyondadoubt behind the decks.
Special edition Chunky Dunk Trans Fat 2 – The awesome size positive pool party is always pretty gay, and celebrates differently gendered as well as sized bodies, but this version explicitly celebrates the genderqueer and trans paddle. So yeah, it’s basically the biggest, baddest and best swimming soup of us freaks ever. The life guards are gonna be jealous.