Coco is kickin' it off this Saturday. Woot!
Depending on which 90s you want to remember most this weekend you can start it off right with either the RuPaul inspired Work! featuring synth pop, new wave, cold wave, dark wave, goth, post punk, pulse music, italo (whatever that is) or the riot grrl listening party Rebel Grrrl at Sloans. Choose wisely.
Dining with the Divas ChiChi Chonga edition – Current it girls of the irreverent drag scene ChiChi and Chonga will guide you through a munchy-fulfilling escapade at Hamburger Mary’s.
The Envelope Project: An Astrological Art and Music Show – Release your inner woo with art inspired by planetary alignments of the last several months. Can’t think of a reason you were in such a funk last Friday? Blame it on the moon. Plus there’s music by TraumaDom, a queer astrological metal band, which is a genre so new I’ve never even heard it. New new new! Excitement.
Queer Poetry Night with Aleks Stefanova – In a year featuring James Franco as Allen Ginsberg you know that queer poetry is in. Experience it firsthand with a new generation that has not yet been destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked.
Play/Start and Tender Hooves – Yeah, I miss live music too. But DJ Gutter Glamour will be in attendance to help ease you back into real-time aural performance so the transition will be smooth. Play/Start has some new tracks for ya and Tender Hooves (Joell LeBlanc, Kayla Tabb, Allyn Mcnamara, and Renee Honn)
Mrs. Hot Pants/Next to Nothing edition – Great space for dancing, chatting, or even smoking on the back patio Miss. Stud. is the place to dress up. Or, in this case dress down. Don’t be shy, people actually get dolled up for this party. I can’t wait to see some cleavage and chest hair…often on one body! Plus Coco Madrid, creator of the 90s dance party Snap! will be hosting so you know it’s gonna be a (bare) booty shakin’ good time. Oh shoot…
Gaycation – I love the holiday edition of Gaycation because it really lives up to its name. Watch out for high school exes back in town for Christmas break!
F/U/C/K – Low key bar where the women-folk be at. Avoid the Gaycay madness.
Kickin’ it Weird first practice – C’mon sporty spice. You know you’ve been using the wintery weather and holidays as an excuse to lump out on the couch so it’s time for some team sports. Don’t worry, kickball is low key enough that you can probably bring your eggnog onto the field.
Raven Simone has really let herself go