Wow – what a weekend. I don’t know about you, but I’m still recovering, and finding glitter in unexpected places. This year’s Pride was an amazing experience for me. Five nights, ten parties, two marches, and zero gay bashings or homophobic incidents (as far as we know). A vibrant, powerful and peaceful pride despite a lot of changes this year – to the Pride route, to step-off times…and weather that wasn’t quite what we’ve been hoping for. This also marked a change for us here @ QPDX.com as we slowly grow from a little website that could into the bigger, badder, and more powerful queer community media hub that we want to become.
We do what we do for you, our community, and we want to thank everyone who has supported us over the past year and a half in so many ways: Holding banners, running errands, making connections, t-shirts, costumes, stealing copies, blogging/photographing…all of it. Thank you for inspiring us to do more and do better, every day. Thank you for giving us hella gay stuff to write about.
Alright, enuff wishywashing. Let’s get down to the dirt!
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