  Lucas Silveira, Canada's sexiest man
Pride NW has officially announced their headlining lineup and the Canadians have got it goin’ on this year. I am especially excited about Ivan E Coyote, a dreamy and extremely heartfelt butch Canadian writer. Another big Canuck draw will be The Cliks, whose FTM frontman, Lucas Silveira, was recently named the sexiest man in Canada.
However, I’m sure they won’t be outdone by hop hop favorites God-des and She or the Idol produced pop of Blake Lewis.
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…with tales from the dark side of dating. It’s Not Me, It’s You takes place tonight at the Bagdad Theater (3702 SE Hawthorne) and celebrates all that is awkward, bad and downright shameful about dating. An antidote for the upcoming V-Day or a reason to be grateful for your perfect little love muffin, these storytellers have some real tales to spin. And they are all devastastingly true. Even better, I make a brief appearance in one. Let’s see if you can guess which…
We’ve all had them: dates that go terribly awry. An evening of personal stories told live onstage, unscripted, just telling you the painful truth. You’ll leave either feeling grateful for your current relationship or with the realization that being single isn’t so bad after all.
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