Jenny Bruso, DJ Bruce laBruiser
qPDX is starting a new feature! Every week we will introduce you to a local LGBTQ party DJ and ask them about their experiences in the scene and feature an audio mix they’ve made. If you’re interested in being featured contact alley@qpdx.com.
This week features DJ Bruce laBruiser, formerly known as Gutter Glamour, Jenny Bruso. You can catch her party Dirtbag! this Thursday (tomorrow) September 1st and again at Saturday September 10th at a great outdoor end of summer party called Some are Sparkles with Beyondadoubt and Chelsea Starr.
When and how did you get started DJing?
It’s kinda funny because I never actually planned on djing. It came to me. My partner and a good friend of our’s wanted to throw a benefit and for some reason they had this idea that I should dj it. Without even thinking about it I told them, “no.” I hate a lot of attention and being on the spot, but over the following next few days I couldn’t stop thinking about it. I found myself thinking about what kind of dj I would want to be and I was hearing all of my music in this new way. Suddenly, I was dying to do it! And after that first time, I was hooked, though I shudder to think about those early days. Eek. It’s actually the perfect gig for me, because I get to be this big part of the party, but i’m tucked away from the crowd and it’s totally weird, but I often find that folks really aren’t even paying that much attention to the dj. Depends on the party.
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