  Congressman Barney Frank may look like a muppet but he's tough as nails and funny as anything Jim Henson ever dreamed up
Sorry for the hiatus folks, you have evil domain empire GoDaddy to thank for that. This was originally supposed to be a Christmas Eve news roundup but here we are at Boxing Day, the day to return all the horrendous sweaters we got yesterday. So if you’re still trying to avoid the long arms pf the family here’s a little roundup of good news you have have missed over the last few days of Christmas cheer. (And stay tuned for a New Year’s roundup!)
Obama signs the reapeal of DADT with video below. “That’s done!”
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 I am extremely disappointed that yet another filibuster has prevented the Senate from moving forward with the National Defense Authorization Act. Despite having the bipartisan support of a clear majority of Senators, a minority of Senators are standing in the way of the funding upon which our troops, veterans and military families depend. This annual bill has been enacted each of the past 48 years, and our armed forces deserve nothing less this year.
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  Joanne Pedersen, left, and Ann Meitzen are planning to sue because federal law does not recognize their Connecticut marriage. Photo by Christopher Capozziello for The New York Times
State and Federal laws often come into conflict, and gay marriage is a prime example of how confusing that confluence can be. Couples that are married in states where it is/was legal (5 states plus DC) may get all the state benefits to which they are entitled, but many benefits are given at the Federal level…which is where things get sticky…but not in a good way.
One big example of this is health insurance, which is a tough subject to tackle in itself. The New York Times reports on two cases where plaintiffs are suing the government in an effort to strike down the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), a 1996 law that prohibits the federal government from recognizing marriages of same-sex couples.
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 Amanda Simpson
Amanda Simpson is being called the first America’s first openly transgender presidential appointee in the the job she starts Tuesday as the Senior Technical Advisor in U.S. Commerce Department.
Reluctant to be the first, Simpson knew there would be issues, despite her exceptional qualifications for the job. And indeed, anti-gay leader Peter LaBarbera, president of Americans For Truth, asked, “Is there going to be a transgender quota now in the Obama administration? “How far does this politics of gay and transgender activism go? Clearly this is an administration that is pandering to the gay lobby.”
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