  Patty Schemel's 'Hit so Hard' screens Thursday
This 5th edition of Siren Nation, a celebration of women in music, art, and film and takes over many venues throughout this weekend. They’ve had some great music acts over the years, including a Team Dresch reunion that was not to be missed. This year the fun begins with an epic looking art show at the Albina Press opening Thursday. It features over 40 local artists including the fabulous Alicia Rose and occasional qPDX photo contributor Anna Campbell. Tunes from DJ Safi will set the stage for the weekend at this all ages event.
This year also has a much more robust film portion in comparison to former years, kicking off with Hit So Hard: The Life and Near Death of Patty Schemel. It’s the perfect combo to exemplify the fest encompassing both music and film. When it premiered in Portland at QDOC last June we not only reviewed the film but interviewed the former Hole drummer. So go ahead and read or even listen to audio of Patty Schemel talking Hit So Hard to get excited because Schemel herself, along with producer Christina Soletti will be live and in person to for a special Q&A after the Thursday screening. And visit the SN site for previews and trailers of the rest of the incredible lineup including animation from local Laika studios and several films premiering in PDX for the first time.
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  Patty Schemel
I won’t say that I’m always particularly verbally eloquent but I was a little aghast at my rambling questions posed to Hole drummer and subject of QDoc Friday night film Hit So Hard Patty Schemel. I wasn’t necessarily nervous, but I can’t deny that Hole’s 1994 album Live Through This was second only to Team Dresch as the most played tape on my Freshman year walkman. And despite any verbosity on my part it was great to hear Schemel’s take on the documentary, and I’ve included the uncut audio below, in addition to the written interview. For a brush up on the film you can read the earlier post reviewing Hit So Hard.
qPDX: How was it coming out publicly as a musician in the 90s? Any contrast to being out personally?
Patty: I didn’t have any concerns about it. I was out with my peers and in my band. In my band it was a safe place to do that.
q: Any public backlash?
P: None that I knew about. It was a good experience. I got a lot of kids that would say thanks for coming out.
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  Patty Schemel with Hole, for Rolling Stone in the 1995 issue where she came out. From L Courtney Love, Eric Erlandson, Schemel, Melissa Auf der Maur
For any rock fan who was a teen of the 90s Seattle grunge reigned supreme and Hole was its seat of feminine power. The seminal grrl grunge group was fronted but the unmistakable, if not always likeable, Courtney Love, wife and baby momma to the most well known grunge persoanlity of all time,, the late Kurt Cobain, frontman for Nirvana. But as big a personality as Love was, all the little baby dykes had eyes only for the lady behind the drums. Patty Schemel was a kick ass ginger drummer with heart, and she was gay.
She was also a drug addict, alcoholic, friend, and now wife and mother. Five years ago, at the beginning of her new sober life, she came across archival footage taken during Hole’s 1995 world tour and thought to digitize the memories. Instead, it became, Hit So Hard: The Life and Near Death Story of Patty Schemel a documentary of her amazing journey.
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  Joey Arias appearing in 'Arias with a Twist'
QDoc, the only Queer Documentary Film Festival in the US starts in P-Town this Thursday. For its 5th anniversary the fest will feature 11 screenings and an opening party with opening night film star and drag and performance art sensation Joey Arias accompanied by local musical genius Thomas Lauderdale of Pink Martini. After seeing opening film Arias with a Twist I can safely say that you don’t want to miss Arias in the flesh. And in addition to the live performances the Mother’s Bistro (212 SW Stark) party will also have delicious, complimentary hors d’oeuvres and beverages.
Just Out has a great overview of the fest, including an interview with Joey Arias and a check-in with the organizers. We’ll have reviews of most films posted daily as well as an interview with former Hole drummer Patty Schemel, who’s film Hit So Hard screens Friday.
Thanks to a generous grant from the Equity Foundation, QDoc is offering 20 FREE tickets for EACH QDoc film for youth ages 23 and under. Youth can reserve FREE tickets in advance by emailing QDocYouth@gmail.com. Also, a limited number of FREE youth tickets will be available at the door for each film on a last-minute basis.
You can also get an idea of what to expect from QDoc’s 2011 trailer.
So stay tuned and check out the entire lineup below:
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 Q Doc is coming up quickly. The only queer documentary film fest in the US and only the second in the world, Portland has played host to Q Doc for 5 years now. There will be a whopping 16 films shown in only 3 days this June 2-5…quite a kickoff to Pride Season. And you can get a taste of what’s to come with the official 2011 trailer below.
There’s lots of exciting tidbits to look forward to in the complete list of films, including a look into the work of art porn auteur Bruce La Bruce, another into legendary Hole drummer Patty Schemel, a set of 5 shorts by, for and about youth, and the biggest celebrity trans documentary of our time, Becoming Chaz. The crowning glory, however, will be the opening night’s Arias with a Twist: The Docufantasy, with director Joey Arias in attendance as well as performing at the after party with Pink Martini’s Thomas Lauderdale.
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