Rai Villanueva will help kick off Pride with Thursday's gay ass Diesel party
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Truthfully, I think I’ve been putting off the Pride 2010 calendar because there’s do damn much to do that I’m overwhelmed. So let’s take this piece by piece. First, there’s plenty to do before we even get to the weekend. Workin’ stiffs, of which I now be one, gird your loins and take one for the team. It’s gonna be a busy week.
Pride Pub quiz – Did you know that it’s the 40th anniversary of the first Pride parade commemorating the June 1969 Stonewall riots? That’s why June is Pride month kids. Do you know about Harvey Milk day and Anita Bryant, Lon Mabon and the OCA? Have you ever been to the Lesbian Herstory Archives? Well, gear up your uber gay trivia because this pub quiz is gonna be both fun and educational. I’m putting on my hot librarian glasses cuz the competition is gonna be stiff…
*Gay Pride Kickoff Gay Skate!
Strap on some rollerskates and go kick it with the gays at Oak’s Park. A great way to roll into pride.$6. all ages, bring food donations for Esther’s Pantry. More
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