 To make matters even more confusing than they already were after a Federal Judge halted enforcement of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” and then the government appealed this decision, military recruiters were given the go ahead today to accept openly gay recruits.
The Pentagon has advised recruiting commands that they can accept openly gay and lesbian recruit candidates, given the recent federal court decision that bars the military from expelling openly gay service members, according to a Pentagon spokeswoman.
The guidance from the Personnel and Readiness office was sent to recruiting commands on Friday, according to spokeswoman Cynthia Smith.
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No one was sure if the Obama-led government would appeal Tuesday’s ruling by California Judge Virginia Phillips to halt enforcement of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” especially since the prez and his supporters are on the record as opposing the policy. Turns out, they’re not letting it slide. Today the The Department of Justice requested a stay on the ruling and the government filed an appeal in federal court.
From The Advocate:
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 In the ongoing seesaw drama that has become the military’s policy on serving openly, federal Judge Virginia Phillips has issued the injunction to stop enforcement of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell today. She has ordered the Defense Department to “immediately to suspend and discontinue any investigation, or discharge, separation, or other proceeding” and you can read the full text of her announcement in this PDF.
The Justice Department had urged […]
 This political cartoon has been circulating Facebook and so many have commented on its power I thought I should post it here.
 In a bit of bleak Tuesday news, it looks like Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, the policy forbidding military service members from performing their duties out and proud, isn’t going anywhere right now. Senators fell 4 short of the 60 needed to even start the debate on the new defense bill.
From the Washington Post:
Tuesday’s vote does not end efforts to lift the military’s 17-year ban on gays serving openly in uniform, but makes it almost impossible to ensure a repeal is included in the final House-Senate compromise version of the defense bill that lawmakers may vote on during a lame-duck session after November’s midterm elections.
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 It seems unlikely that this courtroom pronouncement will do anything concrete in the short term but it’s another positive step in the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell the ridiculously named policy that bars gays in the US military. And it comes on the heels of another California federal judge tossing out California’s voter-approved ban on same-sex marriage. That is also still in the works. Nevertheless, thank you Cali.
I suppose I should also thank the Log Cabin Republicans, who set the lawsuit in motion, but I am less excited to do so.
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  Military men do Gaga
Never have I been prouder of our Armed forces. In between trying survive dangerous missions in Afghanistan they still manage to have some fun by filming Lady Gaga videos with some fabulous camo and costumes and fantastic footwork.
YouTube user malimelcher, who posted the video, writes:
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 Gay vietnam vet and vietnamese civilian find each other - in Portland. Photo from the Oregonian
Now this is the kind of story we don’t really get to feature very often – a quiet story, a story of love, of pain – both physical and emotional, and yet also a story of reconciliation, of perseverance, and joy.
It’s a story about Don’t Ask – Don’t tell, about war, about art, about survival, but also about how sometimes love and happiness find their own unconventional ways into our lives.
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I have never been a huge military fan myself and have often viewed the unfair “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy as one of the only ways queer lives are safeguarded. But this cheeky attitude is hardly effective in the real world wherein many LGBT individuals wish to serve this country and lead successful military careers openly.
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Logo news interviews prominent and openly gay Congressman Barney Frank about the current major political issues facing the LGBTQ community today. He keeps his comments quick, simple to the point and, for the most part, fairly positive.
He identifies 3 major steps forward he believes Obama can accomplish in his first term:
1 – A trans inclusive ENDA (Employee Non-Discrimination Act)
2 – A trans inclusive hate crimes bill
3 – Repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell
And while he was less sure about the timeline of a repeal of DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act) he thinks the fight is coming and it is worth it. Best yet, he blatantly and loudly calls Justice Antonin Scalia a homophobe. Go Barney! (I love you…You love me…)
For the full video (which is actually only 3 minutes) click below
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