Milk-n-Hunny Saturday at Red Cap
Whether you are with your biological family or a chosen one, I hope all have a day full of food to be thankful for. I know I’m certainly thankful to live in a city with so much to do, even on a holiday weekend. So use those extra days off!
Lez Stand Up with Kupp! – One of the funniest ladies I know is Kirsten Kuppenbender, with just enough energy to be entertaining without seeming like many ADD-addled comedians. And when do you need a little humor more than the eve before a day of family gathering with wine-induced arguments and narcoleptic tryptophan napping. With 7 or 8 performers including Nicole Georges and Whitney Streed along with the smooth stylings of DJ Party Martyr this is a night of jokes and stories that will be way better than Grandpa’s.
A Scandal-ous Thanksgiving – Your friendly Vaseline Alley neighborhood gay bar serves up the stuffing. Enjoy some comedy, drag and a drink before you have to face your family.
If you’re not enjoying a hearty Thanksgiving, I hope you’re having what my hairstylist calls a “hot lava day” wherein your entire house is made of hot lava and the only safe spot is nestled on the couch watching Christmas movies. New York also has some big parade thingy on TV…
JunKtion presents Bromance Brodance – An excuse for pals to get close on the dance floor…just because we say we don’t like each other that way doesn’t mean we don’t like some close up action and cuddling now and then. Don’t you feel manly now?
Gayborhood Black Friday Edition – Have you been eating? Have you been shopping? Either way it’s time to let your hair down and have some holiday hangover fun. We’re just at the beginning of the season folks…you’re gonna need it.
Milk-n-Hunny…with Coffee – I do love a club that utilizes its dual spaces to promote different, but related spaces. It’s perfect for a theme such as this, which features DJ Dr. Dan Diggins spinning electro, tribal, and house on vinyl at Red Cap followed by performers including Mary Jane drag darlings ChiChi and Chonga as well as Little Tommy Bang Bang. Across the way, Boxxes will be turning out the 90s, house, and hip hop jams with DJs Kid Whatever, Gutter Glamourr and Freaky Outty and a host of hot go go dancers.
Drink specials make you a cheap date until midnight and for those of you still going strong when the bar lights brighten, you can head over to Hamburger Mary’s for Coffee, and after hours speakeasy showcasing the many talents of drag judge extraordinaire Fannie Mae Darling. Best of all, one tiny cover gets you into all 3.
Blow Pony vs. Kaj-Anne Pepper – Avant garde DQ KAP is leavign town soon, but not before being as busy and outrageous as possible before his imminent departure. We all know and love BP, and if you haven’t seen the feathers and better-than-Cremaster creations that have sprung from the mind and loins of Kaj-Anne you just haven’t been paying attention. Don’t miss your last chance not to be hopelessly out of the know.
FYI – for the girlz this Saturday
Hot Flash @ Barracuda from 6-10pm
Doll House @ Hamburger Mary’s from 10pm-1am
(This will be a new weekly ladies night every Saturday and it typically goes all night until 4am, this week we are sharing the later hours with the ‘Coffee’ after-party)
Blow pony is run by a racist possibly nazi man (guy with the red beard). Has no one noticed the swastikas tattooed all over him? What is that about?
Pay attention people. There are better parties in town, some that aren’t run by racists who just want your gay dollars
It’s one thing to be ignorant enough to think that this person is a nazi, that’s admissible. Chances are you didn’t talk to him or any of the swathes of people who know him to be one of the most radical and legit queers around who is certainly not a racist. Chances are you probably didn’t get a clear look at his tattoos. And it’s probably safe to assume that if you did/what you saw, you didn’t understand the origin of. From what I’ve seen, he has a good deal of tattoos that correlate to certain (mostly asian in origin) belief systems, I suggest looking up the symbolism of buddhism, tao, etc. before making yourself look like an ass.
More importantly, and what I can’t understand, is spreading bullshit rumors like this when it’s pretty clear that everything I mentioned above is true. Next time, talk to someone maybe? Chances are folks are willing to talk about the shit they ink on themselves. Or anyone else in and around blowpony, for that matter. Or, if that’s too much for you, wikipedia that shit and find out what you’re actually talking about. Just don’t do shit like this…okay?