Mendi tabling for Butch Voices at Latino Gay Pride
This is the big call for ButchVoices’ 2010 Saturday night showcase performance! The show will be on Saturday, Oct. 2nd. Come be part of the action! This is an evening to celebrate people who identify OR perform on the butch spectrum– trans-masculine, studs, aggressives, bois, shy soft butch, genderqueer, androgynes, etc.
We welcome all submissions for performance– anything goes that can happen on a stage. Ensemble dance, performance art, drag numbers, film/video presentations, music performance, comedy, hand whistling, spoken word– show your manly, boyish, tranny, genderqueer stuff to a big queer PDX audience. We welcome you to interpret the labels of “butch” or “masculine” in a creative way; we hope for the evening to be engaging, challenging, and even a bit controversial. The Saturday showcase is open to anyone, with a regional focus on the Pacific Northwest and Western Canada.
Already booked for Saturday’s show is Ivan E. Coyote, famed queer storyteller & writer. For more information about Ivan’s work, go to http://ivanecoyote.com/about.
We’re also VERY excited to announce that we’ve booked Portland’s historic Hawthorne Theater (3862 SE Hawthorne) as the venue for the Saturday showcase. Complete with a state-of-the-art lighting & sound system, full bar & food menu, and all-ages option, the Hawthorne will make you look GOOD. Check out pictures and technical specs on their website, http://www.hawthornetheater.com/specs.html.
If you’re interested in performing in the Butch Voices 2010 PDX showcase (and we’re so glad you are!), please submit the following information by August 20th, 2010:
1. Your name & best contact info
2. Description of your performance concept
3. How many people would be involved in your piece
4. Estimated performance time (x minutes)
5. Technical needs (if you know them at this point)
6. Anything else you’d like us to know (links to your website, questions, etc.)
Submissions can sent to ButchGlamour@gmail.com.
(Have an idea you want to develop? Let us know! We’re invested in fostering your creativity to bring new, innovative pieces to the stage.)
Thanks! We look forward to working with you!
–Mel Heywood & Mendi Menefee
performance chairs
Butch Voices 2010 PDX
BUTCH Voices is a grassroots organization dedicated to all self identified Butches, Studs, Aggressives, other similar identities, and their Allies. We, at BUTCH Voices, feel it is important to bring together our diverse communities, build bridges, make connections, and use our collective voices to gain better understanding of each other and promote positive visibility.
BUTCH Voices is dedicated to community building, economic/social justice and physical/mental health for all self identified Butches, Studs, Aggressives, our allies, and the general public.
If you identify outside of the ‘butch’ spectrum and would like to present a piece for the Saturday showcase, or if you have any questions about Butch Voices and its purpose, please contact us!
For more information on the Butch Voices 2010 regional PDX conference, please visit the website at http://www.butchvoices.com/regional-conferences/portland/.