One of Britney Walsh's amazing feats of athleticism
If you weren’t there last night and you’re not in attendance right now you have a mere 2 opportunities left to experience the wonder that is Circus Artemis with shows tomorrow at 2 and 7pm. Just because you’ll pay a quarter of the price that you would at Kooza does not mean less amazement. I paid any old man discomfort no heed as I sat on the floor last night looking up at the beautiful flying women above me. You really can’t argue with that.
But aside from simply staring at muscles that just seemed impossible the ladies of the circus approached their routines with humor and style in addition to their artistry.
The Jellyfish Co performed acrobatics in multicolored full body spandex accented with space goggles that would entertain anyone in the under 10 set (and me, of course) while more classically beautiful attire was donned by performers such as Brittany Walsh.
Terra Nova‘s housewife attire contrasted hilariously with her strongwoman feats, even if we were pretending they were mere household chores. I can only dream that my future my wife does the splits while she vaccums.
But the true fireworks came with A Wol Dance Collective‘s finale. Streams of black, red and yellow fabric wound down from the impossibly tall ceiling and a horde of agile women danced through the air, enveloped in their colorful embrace. One scarcely knew where to look as the aerial dancers tumbled breathlessly towards the floor and through over and under each other.
Who knew I would like family friendly fun this much?