DJ Permanent Wave, aka Jenny Hoyston at last month's Art Party
Newly launched artfag club night Art Party is back for the third time this Friday the 2nd at Branx (315 SE 3rd). Hosts DJ Gottesfinger and Permanent Wave aim to bring a combination of experimental music and performance art to an often pop music focused club scene. Their solution is to bring their artrock sensibilities to the dancefloor and Friday’s will be a soiree not to be missed.
Noted experimental musicians Tunnels (Nick Bindeman, he of Jackie O Motherfucker and Eternal Tapestral),
and White Rainbow (local stalwart Adam Forkner, he of too many experimental projects to name) will be
performing alongside Sexual Champions, an all improv, all female brass ensemble headed by Jenny Hoyston
(she of Erase Errata, and too many other musical projects to name).
And while I think it might be tough for anyone to get their groove on during improvisational trumpeting it is sure to be mind-bending. Also Kathleen Keough, noted experimental dancer and co-founder of noted dance troupe Woolly Mammoth Comes to Dinner, will be performing a collaboration with White Rainbow especially for the night.
And then there’s the dance music. Just as riveting, the decks will be stacked with with DJs Magic Beans and Hostile
Tapeover. Beans (Maggie Vail, of Bangs, currently Vice President of seminal PNW independent label
Kill Rock Stars) who will be playing punk, soul, dub, ska, rock, pop, etc., to your heart’s content. She will be joined by Jon Von Appen, aka Hostile Tapeover, who plays tapes from the 80’s, mostly freestyle and pop.
The wallflower aspect will feature, local photographers. local photographers AM O’Malley and Brook Dillon. Though both hail from next door both are also never-before-seen-in-PDX so it should be an exciting new show. O’Malley, also the Outreach Coordinatorat the IPRC, is showing an installation of work exploring relationships. Brook Dillon, who moved here recently from San Francisco, will be showing a suite of portraits. Also in the art room will be a photo portrait booth set up by photographer Lorenzo Triburgo, who last showed his work at Portland Community College and Pushdot Studios.
With so much going on you may scarcely have time to dance or socialize but you will most certainly never be bored. Sounds like an ADD artist’s wet dream to me.