
Dirty Queer Swap and Shop at In Other Words

Dirty Queer Swap and Shop at In Other Words Books, Portland

Dirty Queer Swap and Shop at In Other Words Books, Portland

A little late, I know, but late is better than never! It’s time to take a brief look at an event we had in town this past Sunday, the Dirty Queer Swap and Shop. While we all know and love Dirty Queer – The X Rated Open Mic, the swap and shop is a new concept DQ host and founder Sossity Chiricuzio came up with one (rainy, probably) afternoon: An opportunity to support In Other Words by inviting sex toy vendors and  the public alike to shop for sex toys, gear and accessories as well as to swap used items no longer needed. Borne out of small, underground fetish swap nights, the idea is to allow people to expand their gear collections without breaking the bank. Us queermos never have any money anyway, what with all the going out, charitable donations and spotty work history (too busy playing hookey to go chill on the gay beach at Sauvie’s, tsk tsk), and everyone knows high quality sex toys and gear can be very expensive – much too expensive to be sitting in a box at home under the bed collecting dust.

I had a chance to visit the event and the turnout was a small but steady stream of visitors, although the vendor booths were definitely faring better than the swap station. It was the first event of it’s kind, it was a hot, sunny day, and it was Memorial day with lots of people traditionally out of town, so it seemed to me that the turnout was a good one! Sossity had a brief chat with me about the idea behind the event, and as always emphasized community, interaction and the support of IOW as part of the grand scheme. The event seemed so successful Sossity is planning on making it a quarterly event at IOW – I think more promotion, and more emphasis on swapping will bring in a bigger turnout. All used gear must be sterilized and marked as used, and of course it’s probably a good idea to sterilize all gear at home again before you use it. I think it would be a great idea to have a swap less focused on just gear – how about a general queer themed swap? What about that little rainbow gnome you have at home? That coffeetable Tom of Finland book you’ve grown tired of? Oh and that little dildo? Throw it in a pot of boiling water (if it’s silicone) for up to 3 mins and bring it along!

Dirty Queer Swap and Shop at In Other Words Books, Portland

Dirty Queer Swap and Shop at In Other Words Books, Portland

1 comment to Dirty Queer Swap and Shop at In Other Words

  • ruby stevens

    so many times pals wonder with/to me what to do with toys no longer wanted. my brother in law, (recently widowed -sad) has toys he will use with noone else ever again, and again I am asked. yeah, sterilization is a big queery and not necessarily fool proof, but I personally think this is a great idea – especially with vendors providing info & inspiration. hmm.