There seems to be a renaissance among lesbian comedy and it’s an exciting time to see ladies up on stage making us laugh from the big names like Ellen Degeneres taking over JC Penny ad campaigns or locals consistently making it happen in P-Town such as Belinda Carroll. The latter will be opening for the hilarious Dana Goldberg when she comes to town Sunday March 25th at the Star Theater, in a show sponsored by Inferno/Hotflash Dances.. And you and a guest could see her for FREE if you’re clever enough to come up with a comment that convinces me you deserve the tickets.
But first, a little more about Dana. As the youngest child in a single parent household run by a Jewish mother in which two out of three kids are gay, she focuses many of her routines on her family including a great bit about the correlation between lactose intolerance and gayness. But one of my favorite lines questions why lesbians can walk about without gloves and have it not be considered indecent exposure.
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