  'The Secret Diaries of Anne Lister'
If you missed the big Howl premiere last week, fear not. Howl begins a week run at Cinema 21 this Friday.That same day at 7 pm, executive producer, Gus Van Sant, will intro the film, show a short he made of Ginsberg and chat live with James Franco via Skype. As for the rest of the fest, it continues at the Hollywood Theater (4122 NE Sandy Blvd).
9:30pm @ Hollywood Theater Friday Oct 8 – Role/Play
From five time writer/director Rob Williams (Make The Yuletide Gay, 3-Day Weekend, Back Soon and Long-Term Relationship) comes a story of the A-list gays and all their troubles. Video editor Mike Justice will be on hand to answer questions after the screening.
While hiding out from the paprazzi at a secluded Palm Springs resort, recently outed Soap opera star, Graham Winsdor (Steve Callahan), and a recently divorced gay marriage activist Trey Reed (Matthew Montgomery) find themselves kindred spirits. These hard workin’ men find passion in expressing their professional pitfalls and compel one another to confront the firestorm that their relative scandals have wrought.
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  Mindy Cohn in 'Violet Tendencies'
6:30pm @ Living Room Theaters – Brotherhood
See earlier preview
7pm @ Cinema 21 – The Four Faced Liar
In what seems like a queer version of the hipster hailed Medicine for Melancholy, The Four Faced Liar follows “womanizing” Bridget and her BFF and flatmate Greg. One night hanging out at their local, the Four Faced Liar, they meet prim and proper NYC newbies Trip and Molly. The boys bond over sports and the girls over…well…K-I-S-S-I-N-G…against Molly’s better straight-laced judgement. Drama-rama!
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  'Contracorriente ' or 'Undertow'
6:30pm @ Living Room Theaters – I Killed My Mother
See earlier preview
7pm @ Cinema 21 – Elena Undone
The tale of two unlikely women, one of whom is married and reticent is not a new one. With stories such as Aimee and Jaguar which chronicles a story such as this set against the backdrop of a war torn Nazi Germany it seems like Elena Undone has some pretty big shoes to fill. And yet, a story about a housewife seduced by a lesbian writer could be quite interesting, especially in a world where even Oprah recognizes how often straight women leave their boring heterosexual lives for a woman later in life.
Oh yeah, and there’s an extended kiss scene so that might be worth watching.
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 No plans for your Tuesday night yet? Well if you haven’t had a chance to check out the Portland Lesbian and Gay Film Festival here’s to chance to go for free! Tonight’s screening of A Marine Story will feature lead actress and aerialist Dreya Weber in attendance to answer questions and schmooze following the screening.
All you have to do to win a pair of tickets to tonight’s screening? […]
  'A Marine Story' with Dreya Weber
6:30pm @ Living Room Theaters – Brotherhood
See earlier preview
7pm @ Cinema 21 – A Marine Story
With “don’t ask don’t tell” currently all over the media it’s a perfect time for a movie about female soldiers trying to serve to the best of their abilities. And the abilities of lead Dreya Weber are vast, as we should know from her 2006 aerial extravaganza The Gymnast. Weber, who will be in attendance at this screening, plays Alexandra, a decorated officer to returns to her small town where she is quickly recruited to help a troubled teen in boot camp. When the real reasons for her return start to surface, however, both are put in a precarious position.
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  'Die Schwestern' or 'The Sisters'
6:30pm @ Living Room Theaters – I Killed My Mother
See earlier preview
7pm @Cinema 21 – We Have to Stop Now
Almost all of us have needed to see a therapist at some point in our lives and their help can be essential. Nonetheless, in the spirit of the phrase “Physician heal thyself” therapists also have a reputation for being some folks in most need of help. Enter the romantic dromedy We have to Stop Now, which follows a successful lesbian therapist couple on the dawn of their book release How to Succeed in Marriage Without Even Trying.
They’ve come to discover that not only do you have to try, but sometimes trying isn’t enough as their relationship begins to fail. They are secretly in couples counseling and have a sister crashing on the couch when a documentary film crew descends to film their perfect marriage.
Originally a web series you can watch the first episode below.
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  'I Killed My Mother'
Saturday Oct 2nd
3:30pm @ Cinema 21 – Shorts series
4 short films kick off the post-party day after, so it’s a good mix to start festing.
My Name is Love follows two men who share the same secret and the dangerous liaison it produces. Titillating.
Gayby follows the straight girl fantasy of having a baby with her gay best friend of college by actually getting to bed him. Good luck with that one.
Go-Go Reject delves into the fantasies of a frozen yogurt slinger who aims to be the naked boy version of Jennifer Beals.
Queer Pet Adventures has got to be the gayest movie ever…
5pm @ Cinema 21 – Assume Nothing
In a most Portlandesque love of gender query Assume Nothing examines what it means to inhabit a gender that is neither or both “male” and “female.” Focusing on the art, photography and performances of five “alternative” gender artists of Maori, Samoan-Japanese, and European descent, AN blurs all kinds of lines while it entertains.
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  Aaron Tveit as Peter Orlovsky and James Franco as Allen Ginsberg in 'Howl'
Portland’s celebration of all things queer and filmic, well one of them (don’t you love this town?) is here once again to usher in the season of popcorn and snuggling. This year the Portland Lesbian and Gay Film Festival takes over Cinema 21, Living Room Theaters, and The Hollywood Theater starting with the Allen Ginsberg beat biopic Howl.
Now in its 14th year, PLGFF, has grown out of the struggling film festival that could into a vibrant week and a half long celebration that has already sold out VIP platinum passes.
Artistic Director Gabriel Mendoza says of the progression, “In earlier days, simply finding queer films was a challenge…[Now] the challenge is whittling the selection down to what will work best in Portland.”
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