This Sunday Lady Gaga took to full drag character Jo Calderone for the MTV Video Music Awards. She won “Best Female Performer” dressed as a man and queered the VMAs further by staying in character for questions.
Most of what I’ve seen on Facebook so far has been pretty positive, except for comment condemning the smoking and drinking. Here are some samples:
“…the most conservative she’s ever looked…”
“I like that she’s in drag but she’s not doing some really gross misogynist thing to a female dancer…”
“…it didn’t piss me off, points for Gaga!…I was worried she would do that ‘don’t worry I’m still a hot girl underneath it all’ switch at the end, but she didn’t, she held to it, and nailed the body language…”
“Anyone who can be so creepy that they make Britney Spears feel uncomfortable… you have to love them…”
“The crowd reactions are so varied! Beiber at 4:33 is a personal favorite.”
What to you think? You can watch the whole video beneath the break.
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