 The Godmothers of all girl rock bands, June and Jean Millington, are coming to town. Best known for their 60s and 70s group Fanny, these sisters were pioneers…yes, even before the Runaways. They were the first all-woman band to record entire albums for a major label and gain international credibility. Even David Bowie said of them (in Rolling Stone, January, 2000): “They were one of the finest fucking rock […]
  June and Jean Milligton, from the iconic girl band Fanny, play Saturday as part of their "Play Like a Girl" tour
Don’t forget that it’s the last days of the Portland Lesbian and Gay Film Festival, and previews should all be out. You can check that plus any reviews thus far in our complete 15th Annual PLGFF coverage.
In Other Words 18th birthday party – One of the last remaining feminist bookstores in the country is still going. I hesitate to say strong, although metaphorically they’re as strong as ever, because in this economy they are in constant need of our love and help. So don’t let the $12 price tag deter you because IOW is not a whole community center and the party’s bound to be hoppin’ with a lineup of performers and DJs. There will also be a raffle, food, beer and wine. The raffle prizes will feature fabulous items from local businesses, restaurants, the Portland Timbers, food carts, bicycle shops, Bitch Media and more
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