Contgressman Early Blumenauer, who represents a large swath of Portland, poses for the No H8 campaign
We love our bowtie wearing Congressman Earl Blumenauer for many reasons including his bikey liberal ways and staunch support of LGBT rights. Now we have even more photographic evidence that he’s super awesome and has great, if eclectic fashion sense that a Portland queer can get behind.
He, along with 9 other members of Congress, have posed for those iconic No H8 pictures in support of gay and lesbian equality. (And his yellow and pink bowtie goes great with the silver of the duct tape over his mouth). These 10 members of Congress may come from mostly blue states (and they were all Democrats) but there’s a Mountain and Midwest state in the mix of reps from California, Oregon, Colorado, Ohio, Massachusetts and Washington, D.C. Four are men, six are women, and only one identifies as LGBT.
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