It may be melodramatic to claim that tonight’s one night only Booty reunion is a resurrection, and to weep at the unexpected demise of Sluts and Squares, but, as a self-identified drama queen, I get to.
And while I wish I could tell you that it is time to don your sluttiest or squarest black mourning gear there really isn’t a chance to.
Sluts and Squares so suddenly announced their cancellation there isn’t even a last night to attend and enjoy with that subtle combination of sadness, liquor and that last-chance-summer-dance nostalgia.
In a brief and cryptic myspace blog post the SS crew barely explains:
It is with great sadness that I report Sluts and Squares has been cancelled without notice by Rotture.
We all gave this our best and I’m really sorry to have the night go out like this.
Thanks to all of YOU for the support over the past 19 months…it has been a lot of fun
Chris (aka DJ BigTrak, DJ Boy)
Besides our own private moments, wherein it will be easy to remember and celebrate all that is slutty and square smashing together, I suggest that we show our support outwardly as well. Shall we take the month of August to wear our sluttiest and squarest black ensembles? We have a chance tonight at Booty, Saturday at Gaycation, next Saturday the 9th at Blow Pony, and perhaps most importantly, every Monday at Rotture itself with their new queer night, Shoot Yr Shot.
And can we have an explanation please?