In our diverse queer community I value working together, even if opinions differ (for example I may tend to disagree with Log Cabin Republicans or the HRC). But discrimination is discrimination, even if it is coming from one of our own. That is why I am particularly disappointed to hear when a business-owner that would have been so harassed by lawmakers 30 years ago finds it so easy to turn the tables and oppress the very patrons that made it possible for him to make a living.
David Moore, co-owner of the Crews Inn in Dallas refuses service to drag queens and transgendered individuals on their increasingly popular ‘Trashy Tuesday’ nights. His explanation? Drag queens are devious, misbehaving problems that you can’t tell apart from one another.
From the Dallas Voice:
“How do I separate one draq queen that is being bad from others?” Moore said. “We don’t have the time on Tuesday nights with all the people in here to sit there and tell them apart from one another. If a drag queen misbehaves one week and then the next comes back in a different outfit I wouldn’t be able to recognize them. That’s why I don’t want any of them in here on Tuesdays.”
This shocking quote does not even attempt to hide his bigotry. I have news for your Mr. Moore, you look just like every other old American white man, and many of us would be hard pressed to tell you apart from your peers. Should we ban you from establishments because so many old white men have cheated, stolen or caused trouble? (Grow a beard and Moore might look disturbingly Castro-like).
Dallas has an anti-discrimination ordinance which protects against discrimination in housing, employment and public accommodations, but the ubiquitous “We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone” mantra of bars and restaurants stands opposite these laws, causing confusion.
Michael Doughman, executive director of the Dallas Tavern Guild, said as long as Moore is keeping them out because of behavior issues, “he has every right to run his business the way he wants to.”
But fellow local gay bar owner John Miles counters with:
“It is discrimination, but legally they do have the right to refuse service,” Miles said. “But by saying draq queens or transgender or whatever that opens up a whole other can of worms that a lawyer should look at.”
If legal precedent exists I would fully support that action. At the very least this story needs to be spread and the Crews Inn shamed and boycotted. It may have taken 10 years or more, but Denny’s was finally called out on its racist practices with a large amount of media attention and a lawsuit. Crews Inn may not be a chain on the scale of Denny’s but the discrimination is just as horrible. Locals should certainly rally, and attention should be given, at least in Texas, to this story.
A group of performers, queens, transpeople and allies plan to protest tonight. Fifty to a hundred are expected to show, which actually sounds quite low to me. If I had heard a little sooner I would encourage folks who could get there to go out and cause a stir. If anyone in Texas reads this blog, please, go support your brothers, sisters, and everyone in between. We cannot and will not tolerate oppression in our own neighborhoods.
Why would you even want to frequent a bar that doesn’t want your business? Go somewhere else, that’s the power you have, maybe his pocket book will illuminate things for him.
That being said, I’d focus your anger on the Queens and Tranny’s that lead to Mr. Moore’s stereotyping all as troublemakers in the first place. This sounds more like stererotyping than it does prejudice. The guys a business owner and should be allowed to run his business how he see’s fit.
It’s true that I would probably never have gone there in the first place if I felt the environment is hostile.
That said, I do think it’s important that he be recognized for his discrimination. When you say a group of people all look alike, all act alike, based on gender or appearance that is indeed prejudice. And it’s important to call him out on it.
I just hope drag queens and transsexuals refuse all services to Mr. Moore in the future, regardless of how much he offers to pay!
I live in the area, and found this by googling about the bar and yesterday, because I knew they were going to protest or something last night and was hoping to find some information about how it went. I don’t think it’s completely to do with drag queens, David Moore HATES women….period….I am a single female, and my best friend and I go in there and another gay men’s bar across from it, because it is fun, most everyone is very nice, we both have a gay nephew that both go there, and their friends, and we’ve made other friends. We cannot even go to Crews Inn without being harassed and ran out the door by David Moore. My nephew got so mad the last time he was there with us. He took me back over to the dancer we were tipping and gave me more money to give him. AND when I got to the door before we went in, and now they ask for TWO picture id’s from each woman, women only, they figure they can keep more of us out with that method because a lot of women only carry their license and either card or cash in their pocket these days. We go in there with the guys, buy drinks, tip dancers and move on, etc…But as soon as he sees us in there, he’s kicking us out, being rude, yelling at us. I’ve never liked him. We don’t go in there anymore. Although, I have thought a few times about getting as many females as I can to go with me one night, just to make him angry. We stick to the bar across the street.
Thanks so much for sharing a local perspective.
It’s sad to hear that misogyny so exists in the gay community but it doesn’t surprise me either.
If you find out how the protest went please let me know. I will look for information as well.
You’re welcome. I just wish I’d been there along with everyone else protesting. He is wrong, a lot of ppl cannot stand him, they should shut it down. Zippers is cool though, that is where we stick to going. 🙂
Here is a link with some information on it from our Dallas Voice.
Here is a link to a video from outside the bar:
to hear David Moore use the word “respect” was kinda odd to me…because the only way I’ve ever known him is by his rudeness running us out of the bar over there… lol.
and here’s another link to another new story I saw today.
sorry I’m sure there are more, just not a lot of time at work to search today..