
No confirmation on neo nazi attacks - everything quiet on Sat and Sun

No Gay Bashing allowed, sorry

No Gay Bashing allowed, sorry

After a lot of text messages and trying to find information about a string of neo-nazi attacks that was rumoured to have happened this weekend, things seem to be calming down – after speaking with folks at Rotture and asking around, I got no confirmation on actual details.  It seems like no other PDX news sources have confirmation, either.

So at the moment we’re treating it as an unconfirmed rumour. It looks like it might have been an isolated incident, or may not have happened at all. Portland Police were outside Rotture, I’ve heard, but everything stayed quiet.

Obviously, we don’t want anybody to be scared, even though it never hurts to be safe. If you do know something concrete, please contact me at perry at qpdx dot com. You will be kept completely anonymous if you like.

Glad it stayed quiet on Saturday and Sunday! I’d prefer a possible rumour to a string of gay bashings any day.

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