Let’s give a rundown on where voices in the gay community stand on resignation…
Just Out: Oregon’s only LGBT newspaper very loudly and publicly called for the mayor to resign. The decision came from the editorial board which consists of editor/publisher Marty Davis, Jayme Cuti, Stephen Marc Beaudoin and Jim Rodasta.
Basic Rights Oregon: Though they were one of the last to make their stance known, BRO finally said they want Sam Adams to stay.
Gay Rights Watch: Bryan Boyd has been quite vocal in his stand against JO and his desire for Sam to remain in office.
Thomas Lauderdale: The Pink Martini frontman is a close friend of Sam’s and passionately wants him to lead Portland.
Gus Van Sant: Legendary indie filmmaker wants Sam to stick around. With the kind of films he makes he really couldn’t have said anything else without looking incredibly hypocritical.
Byron Beck: Former Willamette Week Queer Window writer and current blogger was on the radio yesterday to share his two cents. I didn’t get to listen but it seems like he’s supporting Sam.
Q Center: No official statement but the gala benefiting them has been changed from a celebration of Sam to a celebration of the city.
GLBT caucus of the Democratic Party of Oregon and SMYRC: Haven’t heard anything from either of these groups, but I’d be fascinated to hear.
Me: After much reflection, and though I cannot begin express my level of disappointment in Sam, I still want him to try to lead the city. I hope he can because he has a lot of really great policies.
On the whole, Mayor Adams, it seems like the queer community is warily willing to forgive you– but you better be bringing a metaphorical beautiful bouquet of flowers and a damn big box o’ chocolates.
If I missed anyone or there are new folks standing up who want to be counted, let me know and I’ll update the post.
Update: Portland Mercury Editor Steven Humphrey has just come out in support of Adams as well. I appreciate that he took the time to consider things thoroughly before doing so.
Update 2: Democratic Party of Oregon GLBT Caucus finally issued a statement of support Sunday. (I had formerly identified the group as Mult Co Dems GLBT Caucus, which was incorrect. My apologies for the error)
Why should he resign? The press is now a lynch mob that ought to be ignored (as most the public does these days anyway). The media had no business asking him who he was dating unless he was doing something illegal. He wasn’t. A consenting relationship with another legal adult is just not the business of the slime that pretend to be reporters today (they are unethical lot themselves).
Until each one of these clowns calling for Adams to resign gives a detail accounting of their own sex lives why should anyone pay attention to them.
This a “scandal” engineered by the media only because they feel they have a right to demand answers from everyone, even on matters that simply are not a public concern. As unethical as politicians can be the media is even worse.
You ask “why should he resign?”
These are NOT the reasons: lying, gay relationship, sex with an 18 year old
The reasons: violating public trust, sex with a teenager that he met on the job & mentoring, and using public funds to further an inappropriate sexual relationship
It appears that most of the gay community continues to support Sam which is great. Is there a leadership role for him within that community?
1975Duck –
Two of those 3 reasons might not be quite on point.
He wasn’t mentoring the young man, nor was he working with him. Breedlove worked in a Salem political office with no ties to Portland. He only asked for political advise as any friend might.
I also don’t think there is any evidence he used public funds for any purpose related to Breedlove. If so, can you point me in the direction of that info? That really would change things.
“He wasn’t mentoring the young man…” They both certainly originally said this was the nature of their relationship and that is the intent of the internship program. Breedlove clearly had ties to Portland–enough so that Sam’s staff was concerned about him being around.
As for evidence of public funds being used–the Curious Case of Amy Ruiz is simply too conveniently coincidental to be ignored.
This queer thinks Sam needs to step down. I don’t think he needs to be publicly whipped or even locked up or sentenced to probation. I simply think when you use your job to access a minor (even if you wait 2 weeks after they are “legal”) and then lie about this, using it to smear an opponent and guilt the press– that is CERTAINLY grounds for LOSING YOUR JOB. It’s simple–a teacher, coach, social worker anyone else in a similar position would lose their job. Sam should be no different. Goodbye Sam. I do think you could have been a good Mayor, too bad you “made a mistake.” Hopefully it was worth it.
“He wasn’t mentoring the young man…” They both certainly originally said this was the nature of their relationship and that is the intent of the internship program. Breedlove clearly had ties to Portland–enough so that Sam’s staff was concerned about him being around.
As for evidence of public funds being used–the Curious Case of Amy Ruiz is simply too conveniently coincidental to be ignored.
This queer thinks Sam needs to step down. I don’t think he needs to be publicly whipped or even locked up or sentenced to probation. I simply think when you use your job to access a minor (even if you wait 2 weeks after they are “legal”) and then lie about this, using it to smear an opponent and guilt the press– that is CERTAINLY grounds for LOSING YOUR JOB. It’s simple–a teacher, coach, social worker anyone else in a similar position would lose their job. Sam should be no different. Goodbye Sam. I do think you could have been a good Mayor, too bad you “made a mistake.” Hopefully it was worth it.
I do believe there are valid reasons for calling for his resignation. I just don’t think those 2 are.
Yes, his staffers were concerned and they should have been. It looked bad. It was bad. But that’s because Beau was young, not because he had a conflict of interest.
As for Ruiz, I just really don’t see that a moderately better job would be reason for her to risk so much.
He should leave, having him stay sets a bad example to the rest of the community! If a policeman or teach had done what Sam Adams did would you have been forgiving?
As far as “mentoring” the young man, he was mentoring him to bed once he turned 18……If a teacher or cop had something, I really like to see the reaction of the community!
Sam Adams needs to step down!
I made my comments based the email from Portland Police Association President Scott Westerman addressed to Sam Adams.
I’ll copy and past a couple parts and try to be brief …
“As a sitting commissioner, mayoral candidate, and sitting mayor, you violated several rules in the City’s code of ethics which were adopted while you were Mayor Katz’s chief of staff. Specifically, …
1.03.020 (1) The City’s powers and resources are to be used for the benefit of the public rather than any official’s personal benefit.
1.03.020 (2) Ensure public respect by avoiding even the appearance of impropriety.
1.03.040 (3) Campaigns for election allow the voters to make an informed choice on appropriate criteria. To protect freedom of speech and of the press, Oregon law does not prohibit ethically questionable actions such as untrue statements, unkept promises, or deliberate deception. Nevertheless, such actions are unethical.
1.03.050 (D) Officials avoid discreditable personal conduct and are personally honest.
I assumed the violation about resources spent was directly for Beau (eg, lunches or dinners). However I found this clarity …
“By likely utilizing either city funds, or campaign funds, you have acknowledged that you employed Mark Weiner to assist you in the cover up of your relationship and your continuous lies to the citizens and employees of Portland.”
Now back to my 3 points in the context of the Portland Police Association position …
(1) Violating public trust … “Ensure public respect by avoiding even the appearance of impropriety.”
(2) Sex with a teenager that he met on the job … “Officials avoid discreditable personal conduct and are personally honest.”
(3) Using public funds to further an inappropriate sexual relationship … “The City’s powers and resources are to be used for the benefit of the public rather than any official’s personal benefit.” and the note about Mark Weiner above.
qpdx … how’d I do? Are my 3 reasons on point? Do you think that Sam should step down for violating rules in the city’s code of ethics which were adopted when he himself was chief of staff for Mayor Vera Katz?
Well, you have a very good point then. I guess we’ll have to wait and see after the investigation as it does say “likely.” I am surprised that hasn’t been given more attention. So thanks for bringing it to mine.
(Hopefully he didn’t pay him too much no matter where the money came from. He didn’t do such a great job…)
You dodged my question: “Do you think that Sam should step down …”
I am clearly saying yes.
You said: “I guess we’ll have to wait and see after the investigation … ”
Obviously you don’t value the initial recommendation from the Portland Police Association. You said … “I am surprised that hasn’t been given more attention.” Read this Oregonian post …
The final paragraph said: “With protests mounting on both sides of the issue, I think you can see that there is a division being created here that is not in the best interest of Portland. Please, for the benefit of Portland, consider resigning immediately. Don’t drag this issue on for months.”
So if you’d like to see more investigation then are you prepared for the details. I’ve been asked to believe that Sam only does two things … “He gardens. And he works.”
But it sure appears that he has a very active sexual life and it seems that the gay community thinks nothing of a 40+ year old gay man with an 18 year old.
I also read that he took gay men to a steam bath in about 2004 within the context of some political celebration.
Do you really want a thorough investigation that will shock people like me? It might prove to be good in the long term but not so good for the immediate situation at hand.
So … do you want Sam to step down? Or would you like a thorough investigation which makes public the sex life of Sam?
Your Blog is on the main page of OregonLive! Did I help make that happen?
One more new observation.
I’ve learned that Sam Adams was Chief of Staff for Vera Katz. I’ve looked at pictures of Vera and Sam and found one that was captioned … “Looking at this photo (about 1993) , I can’t help myself from wondering what he was thinking, “Some day, I’ll have her job.”
During Sam’s tenure with Vera they adopted a Code of Ethics which Sam clearly violated. Did Sam support that Code because he believed in it?? Or did he support it ecause it was politically correct at the time and a step in his secret agenda?
Since then it seems that Sam has been doing what is politically correct to become Portland’s mayor with the clear intent to discard it all once in charge.
I don’t accept his apologies with the overwhelming support from the gay community. I think we’ve been blindsided.
I’d like to see the gay community share our outrage while supporting Sam as he falls.
Is the debate over? Or is just Friday night?
An 18 year old is legally an adult in Oregon. I have to wonder if this issue would this be such a big deal if the 18 year old had been female.
Somehow, I doubt that it would be. To be sure there would be those that would not be happy about Adams having lied to cover up the relationship, but I honestly doubt the brouhaha would be as fierce as what we are currently seeing.
Anyway, as far as I am concerned, the issue is that Adams lied. However, I do ponder his rational for doing so. Was the lie some sort of evidence that he is lacking in moral turpitude? If so then the fact that he lied is a big problem, because he might lie again about some other issue. A tendency to lie is not a quality anyone wants in a public official. Or, could it be that his lie was the result of internalized homophobia, or even a sense of guilt or shame for getting involved with someone so much younger?
If the the lying is an issue of moral turpitude, Adams should step down. But, if it is due to a maladaptive behavior due to psychological issues, I say stay in office and get professional therapeutic help.
Everybody keeps forgetting that Adams did nothing wrong. To resign would only give validation to the idea that the Boregonian or the Willamette Weak had the right to make a man’s private sex life front page news. He should be COMMENDED for lying to the trash media.
Not trying to dodge your questions. I do indeed go home and log off the internet occasionally.
So, you know, I’m not sure if Portland, Oregon or mainstream America is ready to have a real talk about queer sexuality. I don’t think it can be completely divorced from this issue, even as people claim it is only about the lying. There is a lot going on here.
So if Sam wants to go through what he will have to go through in order to remain in office I’m going to support him until I have a compelling reason not to. But indeed, he may choose to resign simply because staying would put him through a lot more. I do not know. I’m sure we’ll see soon.
Two adults have sex – no problem. Lying about sex… who hasn’t?
Who has the vision and energy to bring Portland to be the city it was meant to be – Sam. We have work to do – let’s get going! Sam, don’t quit. People have to get their disappointments, anger etc out of their system but they’ll come around when you start to do what you’re meant
to do. Don’t disappoint.
Hi. I just checked back and see that you answered.
I appreciate you taking a position.
I like to think that I’m tolerant to all people including gays. I work with people who are openly gay and I’d like to think they’d say that I’m great to work with. Probably even say that we are friends.
I’d also like to think that I’m not homophobic but my wife disagrees. She remembers how uncomfortable I was during some of the scenes in Brokeback Mountain. She heard my reaction when I read about the one-minute kiss between Sam and then 17-year old Beau in City Hall’s mens room. I think I’d have an issue if I saw that in the men’s room where I work. So I’m more homophobic than I think.
So if this is going to become a gay issue I look forward to understanding it better. I’d like to see what Sam does in his sex life and understand what the gay community says is acceptable and what is not … especially for a mayor in a major US city in which Sam is the first.
Sam, or any gay person, shouldn’t feel that they have to lie. Sam felt what he did was legal and private. I respect people’s private life. Sam shouldn’t feel that if he was honest that the gay community would support him and the homophobic people, like me, reject. I’d like to get to the point where we all know the boundaries of right and wrong.