This crazy party from Seattle is comin' down to Lick us into submission Friday at Bent. Photo by Chris Unten.
Gluten-free cooking on a budget with Erica Blair – It seems everyone in this town has some dietary restriction and with the amount of allergens we’ve put in our child bodies I’m not surprised that gluten sensitivity is common. But we’re lucky to live in a place with lots of GF restaurant choices. But you don’t go out all the time. And cooking without wheat and whatnot can get pricey. Nutritionist Erica Blair will show you the ropes of cooking in this economy.
Dirty Queer 5 year anniversary – Can you believe folks have been getting up on stage and speaking naughty words and doing nasty performance art for 5 years now?! For the first time there will even be a Fliptography booth to capture your bright, shining faces contorted with laughter or desire. It promises to be an overpacked house with so many of your favorite sights, sounds, smells and tasty treats to enjoy before and after the dirty words are spoken, as well as at intermission. You’ll be well ready for the Lick invasion afterword.
Bent vs. Lick – One of Seattle’s best queer parties has come south to rock our with their little bro at this packed Nopo hotspot. Seattle lends its DJs, it’s sweat and its sweet sweet dancin’ licks. Plus, out of town guests means new folks to rock out and make out with. And they’re bringing their zine to remember them by. Let’s show our neighbors some love.
Comedian Suzanne Westenhoefer – Congratulations to the winner of our ticket giveaway. You’re in for a treat when this veteran of out comedy graces the Aladdin Theater stage.
Sweet‘n‘Slow – Slow jams from DJ Action Slacks means one of the few opportunities to ask that sexy beast you’ve had your eye on to slow dance. Where else besides weddings and high school dances? But this time the music is much better. Don’t get me wrong, Forever Young has its place, but S’n’S is going to knock your socks off instead with 60s soul slow burners. Plus sweet drinks, desserts, a warm fireplace and songs of lust, longing, loss & love.
Mrs. Leather & Lace – This may be one of the more familiar themes in this outrageous monthly costume party. I’ve heard from more than one person that this is party theme is already part of their club gear arsenal. But that doesn’t make it any less fun. Punk leather jackets with chains, crotchless panties, vinyl chaps…it’s all fair game for this gayest of Mrs months.
Glit: Queer amateur strip night – We’re already known for the highest per capita “gentlemen’s clubs” but what if they’re not all for gentlemen? Well plenty o’ queers like to, and do, go and show their appreciation for nearly naked gyration but this is a chance to do it yourself! Or at least watch your friends do it. Awkward and awesome! So don’t be shy with the hips or the dolla dolla bills cuz these bodies of all genders have got some courage to get up there.
[…] picksKeep it Sweet’n'Slow gettin’ your Lick on at Dirty Queer while Mrs wears Leather & Lace… January 12, 2012Upcoming:BENT VS LICK – FRIDAY THE 13THCock BlockDirty Queer: 5 year […]