
Love qPDX? Join us for Pride 2011 and “MAKE IT HAPPEN”!

Help cover gay pride needs you to "make it happen".

What is that big golden disc in the sky? OMG the SUN? This can only mean-we’re half way through the year already, almost. Pride time!

This year, Pride NW’s theme is “MAKE IT HAPPEN”.  You already know we do that every day of the week, but the bigger Pride gets (and my, does it grow), the more we need your help! Every year, we at do everything we can to bring you the freshest, savviest, and most organic queer news and events possible. That means doing everything at once, for us. And while that sounds kind of fun, more hands are better than less when it comes to…tug of war, orgies, moving house, and qPDX Pride coverage.

We need your help!

We need:

Pride photographers…Take pictures (you don’t need to be a pro!) at the waterfront, Dyke March, Parade, and all throughout the weekend, especially at gay man events we don’t usually get to
Pride video coverage…see above
Pride reporters…have a passion for something specific at Pride? Team sports, the dog show? Write a blog post about it.
Pride parade crew: We need a reliable pickup truck, a sound system and a generator for pride. We also need a shit ton of people to help us decorate our float, prepare our swag, walk with us, carry our banner and get some crowd lovin’. (We really can’t make the float happen on our own!)

Can your business offer us a service, discount or item we can use as prizes? Can we support you by running your advertising in return.

Can you donate candy, condom or other swag we can distribute among the crowd?

If you’d like to help us financially (everything at qPDX comes out of our own pockets and from advertising), we will pretty much love you forever.

Contact us!! We really, really need you.  Email perry at qpdx dot com

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